Howie Carr: Thank Trump for this judgment day

The Supreme Court follows the election returns.

That’s an old saying from a fictional Chicago bartender named Mr. Dooley.

And now it appears that locally, the state Commission on Judicial Conduct likewise follows the election returns.

Which is not good news for District Court Judge Shelley M. Richmond Joseph, the disgraced $207,855-a-year hack who got her black robes the old-fashioned way.

She was a member of the Democrat State Committee. From Brookline. How much more do you need to know about her? But here’s more proof of how terrible she is: She was appointed by bust-out Gov. Charlie Baker.

Of course she was!

Charlie’s rabid Democrat apparatchik got her first 15 minutes of fame back in 2018. That was when she waved a twice-deported Third World career criminal out the back door of her Newton courthouse so that he could escape ICE agents who wanted to end his one-man crime wave against America.

I’m sure she was shocked, shocked, when she was indicted by the feds for obstruction of justice.

Didn’t they know she was a Democrat politician?

But of course she was lugged during Trump’s first term, when the traditional rules – Democrats get to commit any crimes they want with no consequences! – did not apply.

As soon as Dementia Joe was installed as president in 2021, the charges against Democrat Joseph vanished. Call it professional courtesy, honor among thieves.

But even when Rachael Rollins was running the U.S. attorney’s office in Boston as her own fiefdom, Joseph still had to agree to what I’m sure she assumed would be a pro forma brooming, er investigation, by the Commission on Judicial Conduct.

Joseph never missed a single paycheck during her indictment, and all her legal bills were picked up by the taxpayers. So she had to figure that she would never pay the price for her shocking, criminal dereliction of duty.

But then Nov. 5 happened.

Suddenly, the slow-walked probe by the state hackerama has been released.

Shelley Joseph is back on the hot seat, well, at least as far as any fabulously wealthy former member of the Democrat State Committee from Brookline who now lives in a mansion in South Natick can ever be on the hot seat.

She aided and abetted a criminal invasion, an attempted overthrow of the United States of America and our Constitution. I’d call Shelley Joseph an insurrectionist, a threat to democracy.

But Democrats never pay the price for their crimes – am I right, Hunter Biden? So we’ll just have to take it out on Joseph at a public hearing, in front of a hearing officer, a retired hack judge most likely, hearing the overwhelming evidence against her.

The formal complaint against her includes six citations for “being less than candid.”

That means she lied. But they never, ever say Democrats lied, or committed perjury.

According to the charges, she caused “defense counsel to reasonably believe” that she was in on the conspiracy to free the Third World savage to continue his crimes. Her statements “would give a reasonable observer the impression” that she was trying to cut the savage loose from justice.

The judge denied everything. She did nothing, she said nothing. Like Sgt. Schultz, she knows nothing. That’s the rich girl’s story and she’s sticking to it. Deny deny deny.

To which the Commission responds:

“These denials were false.”

At this point, the question must be asked: If, God forbid, Kamala Harris had been elected, would this report by the Commission on Judicial Conduct have ever seen the light of day?

I sincerely doubt it.

But hey, it’s the season of joy, so let’s be joyful. And what’s even more amusing than the scathing indictment of the judge is her excuse for her criminal conniving.

She has been ratted out – by one of her fellow travelers, one David Jellenik. He was the lawyer for the Dominican criminal named Jose Medina-Perez.

Here it is, right on page one of her response:

“David Jellinek implicated Judge Joseph in order to obtain immunity for himself.”

Oh my God – the comrades are turning on one another. Democrats from the rich suburbs are ratting each other out, just like wiseguys. It would take a heart of stone not to laugh.

The judge admits on page 19 of her response that by her idiotic actions she “thereby unwittingly assisted in Jellinek’s plan.”

Unwittingly? I thought ignorance of the law was no excuse.

But now her alibi is… who, me? Sure, I turned off the courtroom recorder while we were plotting for our amigo to take on it on the lam, but it was only for 52 seconds.

“Judge Joseph had no idea that David Jelllinek would later claim that he had told her of his secret plan or that she had approved it… I did not know that the defense attorney and the court officer had made a plan…. His false statements continued to evolve.”

What a tragedy when Democrats turn on one another. Jellinek, from Newton, pointing the finger at Joseph, from Brookline. One Deval Patrick contributor ratting out another Deval Patrick contributor.

Judge Joseph concludes:

“Although I had no knowledge of David Jellinek’s plan, and no intent to assist in Medina-Peter’s escape, I regret the harm that my handling of the matter caused the reputation of the Massachusetts judiciary.”

She regrets the harm? Don’t tell us you’re sorry, Shelley, we know how sorry you are.

It’s like I always say, it’s not that every Massachusetts judge is hopelessly corrupt, not to mention stupid. It’s just that 98% of state judges who give such a bad name to the 2% who aren’t crooked.

Another old saying that once again applies here:

In the halls of justice, the only justice is in the halls.

Which is why, in the end, it doesn’t matter how appalling her actions were, Judge Joseph will skate. The Beautiful People always do. Money talks.

But at least we get our show trial, and a chance to further humiliate this smug, entitled Democrat hack. And let us not forget, if it were not for Nov. 5, this comedy gold wouldn’t be happening.

Yet again, thank you Donald J. Trump.

(Order Howie’s new tee shirt, “Proud to Be Garbage,” and get a free copy of his new book, “You Understand American?”)

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