Howie Carr: Lefty media finally catches up on Massachusetts migrant mess
“Better late than never!”
Maybe that should be the new motto for the failing Boston Globe.
Like similar regime-controlled media in Damascus, the Globe now scrambles to distance itself from the agitprop it’s long churned out on behalf of whatever authoritarian junta is oppressing the population this year.
In the Globe’s case, they’re suddenly faced with the daunting prospect of covering all the news they’ve been trying to ignore, bury or lie about these last 40 or 50 years.
It’s a difficult assignment for a “newspaper” whose proud motto has always been: “Kissing the Ass of the Ruling Class since 1872.”
Just this week, the Globe’s geriatric subscribers were shocked to learn that Tania Fernandes Anderson, the indicted Boston city councilor, is married to a bloodthirsty thug named Tanzerious Anderson who’s doing life for a murder in Brighton during a $46 robbery.
The bow-tied bum kissers only ran 17,052 slobbering puff pieces about the African Muslim ex-illegal alien before mentioning her dearly betrothed jailbird to their low-info readership.
In an even more unlikely development, Globe readers in nursing homes across the state were stunned to read this headline:
“A migrant girl was allegedly raped. Why wasn’t an arrest made?”
Stop the presses! Who knew?
Nobody, it turns out, except for readers of this newspaper, the Maine Wire, my column and listeners to my radio show. As almost everyone who pays attention has long been aware of, this crime involves a Haitian illegal who was living in a state-funded flophouse for foreign freeloaders in Marlborough.
As one commenter named “milkeybabe” noted beneath the Globe’s scoop:
“This is a very old story. I wonder why the Globe thought to cover it now. Howie Carr and others have talked about it for many months.”
A reader named “E Zola” then pointed out: “For those in the Globe/NPR/MSNBC bubble, this is the first they are hearing of this.”
Welcome to Globe glasnost!
Another member of the Massachusetts resistance, Mohawks91 wrote the Globe an update about the illegals’ crime wave in Marlborough:
“It’s disgusting. They call 911 15 times a day.”
The stenographer at the Globe was shocked to learn how beastly her fellow travelers from Haiti are behaving. She shot back to Mohawks91: “Email me!”
This amused me, because back on March 23 — almost nine months ago — I wrote a column about the billion-dollar-welfare hijinks going on in the Healey hotels, including the one in Marlborough. It included this paragraph:
“Don’t forget all the 911 calls, often for nonsense. Local first responders are overwhelmed.”
The illegals call about paper cuts, believe it or not. And headaches. You know why? Because they pay for nothing. Everything is on the arm. They don’t work.
That March 23 column of mine ran a partial list of the freebies the illegals are grabbing, very partial.
Usually I post my Herald columns on my own website the next day. But you can’t find that March 23 piece there right now. After I put it up, the comrades at Google cut off my revenue stream until I took it down.
The problem in the column wasn’t “misinformation,” it was “information.” Before I ran it, I had asked the Healey regime for a list of Haitian handouts and of course there was no response.
Later, there were also no demands for corrections.
But all Google cared about was that the list of endless freebies was damaging to The Party. Google is part of the Ministry of Truth, enforcing all directives of Big Brother. Google cut off payments to my company until I removed the column.
Remember, this was not a Globe-type fake-news column. Nothing was made up or fabricated. And because it was truth, it represented a threat to The Party.
Unfortunately, unlike the illegals at the Holiday Inn, I have to work to support myself. Nobody gives me nothing. I took down the column.
Maybe I’ll put it back up now. I get the feeling that the First Amendment is coming back in a big way come Jan. 20.
Democrats will be out, free speech will be back in.
In the meantime, here are a few tidbits from that March 23 column about flophouse freebies beyond the free rooms and the $68 a day per person in free meals. Maybe your great-grandmother will be reading these shocking numbers in her Globe next week.
My favorite perk for foreign freeloaders: same day dry cleaning services.
A few more excerpts:
“How about welfare, on top of the free room and board? The parents get WIC (women, infants and children’s) welfare cards of $400-$800 a month.
“Then there’s the standard welfare check — DTA, Department of Transitional Assistance — which can run up to $2,800 a month for a ‘family’ of four.”
“They get free MassHealth (Medicaid) coverage, free vaccinations, free Uber/Lyft to schools, grocery stores, doctors’ appointments, hospitals or job interviews (not so much demand for those, of course).”
How much is it costing to support these bums? I’ve gotten new information since March. The city of Taunton discovered that at their hotel that has been overrun by Haitians, the state ran up an $8 million bill just on chauffeured vehicles — Ubers, Lyfts, etc.
Eight million bucks! At one hotel! And there’s more than 70 of these flophouses full of grifting criminals from the Third World.
More from my Google-proscribed March column:
“They get free attorneys for their ‘asylum’ claims, and for work permits (again, that’s one of the more underutilized services, like the ESL courses, because why bother to learn the servants’ language?).
“Even though the illegals don’t work, they get free tax preparation at $350 per family. You see, most will be getting big tax returns via ‘child tax credits,’ even though they don’t pay taxes because they don’t work.”
“Free U-Haul and boxes for the move, free luggage on departure day, free new beds for every illegal, delivered for free, to their new almshouse. Up to 10 new items of furniture – couch, kitchen tables, end tables, rugs etc. Delivered for free, of course.
“The state, not Welcome Wagon, will also provide a $900 move-in package (dishes, towels, cutlery, etc.).”
The Google CEO is flying down to Palm Beach this week to meet with the guy who’s been railing for years about Big Tech’s pathological antipathy to any free speech that might impede the Deep State’s goose-stepping strides toward totalitarianism. After Thursday, will Google, like the Globe, still be kissing the ass of the ruling class?
As for my columns about the foreign freeloaders’ flophouses, I have three final words:
Globe, please copy.
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