Flynn still not committing to mayoral run, says will continue to ‘challenge’ Wu administration
City Councilor Ed Flynn stayed on the fence when pressed about the possibility of challenging Boston Mayor Michelle Wu for the mayoral seat next year in a WBV-TV segment aired Sunday.
“Whether I’m on the city council or I run for higher office, I want to be part of the solution, to try to continue to provide positive leadership to the residents of the city,” Flynn said on WVB-TV’s “Keller at Large” Sunday, asked directly if he planned to run in the 2025 mayoral election.
The former City Council President and son of former Boston Mayor Ray Flynn confirmed he was considering running for mayor in the 2025 election last fall, but still has not announced a decision less than a year out from the election.
Mayor Michelle Wu confirmed she will run for a second term on WCVB’s “On the Record” in mid-November, though she said she will officially announce after her baby is born in January.
Flynn refused to show his hand despite multiple direct questions about a potential run on the Sunday segment, saying only he has “something to continue to offer the residents of Boston.”
Asked if he felt there was a need for a change in mayoral leadership, Flynn said he is “concerned about some of the issues that we’re focused on now.”
“I’ve focused on Boston public school related issues such as the late bus arrival and not picking up students, focused on public safety issues that are critical to residents,” Flynn said. “I think we also need to ensure that we work closely with state officials, and people that are convicted of crime, especially violent crime, that they should go to jail or to prison.”
Flynn and other councilors pushed back on BPS officials regarding bus problems during a contentious hearing in early November.
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The councilor said there are issues he has “challenged the administration on, and I’m going to continue to do that.”
Flynn also spoke on legislation filed by Wu that would allow the city to temporarily raise commercial property tax rates in Boston, scheduled to come before the State Senate on Monday. Flynn was the only city councilor to vote against the measure and said Sunday he still opposes it.