Editorial: Biden out to appease progressives on fossil fuels

The Democratic Party’s progressive wing told Joe Biden to jump, and the president replied “how high?”

They want the Biden administration to block proposed expansions of the nation’s natural gas exports, and Biden appears ready to appease. We’ve written before of the progressive push to draw Biden ever-leftward, and after so many on the left grew leery of the president over his stance on Israel, Biden looks willing to make climate change more of a campaign priority.

Never mind that Monday’s Harvard CAPS-Harris poll found 35% of respondents putting immigration as their top concern in this election, followed by 32% citing inflation. They were followed by “economy and jobs” (25%), “crime and drugs” and health care (16% each). The deficit and national security were tops with 14% of poll respondents. The environment and corruption drew 13% each.

Naturally, Biden’s going hard for that 13%.

As The Hill reported, lawmakers and voters on the left have been after the administration to reject proposed terminals that would ship American-produced natural gas abroad, citing their potential negative impacts on the climate. Now, the Biden administration is reportedly set to implement stricter climate reviews for the projects, and could slow them down.

In deciding whether to approve such projects, the administration is required under federal law to determine whether they are in the “public interest.”

But which public? The ones who want the U.S. to have energy independence and the ability to reap revenue from shipping natural gas to other countries, or the public which sees a Tesla in every garage? As Politico first reported, the Biden administration is expected to review the public interest criteria — and particularly whether climate considerations should be added.

While the administration is reviewing the criteria, it is also expected to pause any new approvals, an environmental source told The Hill.

The New York Times reported Wednesday that the move would delay a major proposed gas terminal known as CP2, which has come under particular fire from climate activists.

The proposed $10 billion liquefied natural gas terminal would be cited in southwest Louisiana, and would be one of the largest projects of its kind if it got the green light by Biden.

But fossil fuels are verboten in progressive circles, and Biden has decided he must court them above all. Not the independents, not those who’ve soured on Donald Trump and are looking for a good reason to back Biden – but the voters who can’t fathom why people driving gas-powered cars don’t run out and buy electric vehicles, stat. That they are unaffordable to many is no excuse.

Americans are having a hard time paying for groceries. Swapping electric stoves for gas models and outfitting their homes with solar panels isn’t on the budget any time soon. How it’s in “the public interest” to put the kibosh on fossil fuel projects, which could ultimately result in higher prices for consumers burdened by inflation is baffling to anyone but progressives.

Biden ticked off the left last year when he OK’d the Willow Project, a massive oil-drilling project in Alaska. This looks to be his “please take me back” move.

It’s disappointing, but not surprising.


Editorial cartoon by Chip Bok (Creators Syndicate)

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