Howie Carr: Rematch for the ages

Dementia Joe Biden is ready for the rematch.

On Monday, at the White House, he brought up the issue of, what else, abortion.

All dialogue guaranteed verbatim:

“My Congressional Republican friends are going even further further extremists undermining women’s right to threaten and threatening the lives of women.”

Can we quote you on that, Mr. President?

This was at the same event where he introduced his “gender policy adviser” (who knew such an adviser was needed?). He then called out “Secretary Becerra, sitting right next to her.”

Except, of course, it wasn’t really HHS Secretary Becerra sitting next to the very important gender policy adviser.

It was Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas of Homeland Security. Becerra is of Mexican descent and Mayorkas is Cuban-American. Was that what befuddled Dementia Joe? But hey, he’s called his secretary of state the “foreign minister” and described his MIA defense secretary as “that guy from the Outfit.”

This abortion event took place a week after he went to North Carolina and gave a shout-out to the local Democrat in the U.S. House.

“Also want to mention Congressman Deborah Ross. Where’s Deborah? That’s – I just had my picture taken with her. That’s probably why she left.” Scattered guffaws from the crowd.

“All kidding aside but anyway….” Pause. “You you oh she couldn’t be here actually. That’s not true? I got her mixed up.”

No, Mr. President, she didn’t get mixed up. You mixed her mixed up. Again. She was in Washington, and you said you’d just had your picture taken with her.

“And she has, you know, she fights very hard for the people of this district, and she is up in Washington right now.”

So then why did you say you “just” had your picture taken with her?

None of this gets mentioned in state-run media, which I bring up because the Democrat operatives with press passes widely reported last weekend that Donald Trump seemed to mix up Nikki Haley with Nancy Pelosi. Which wasn’t great but to repeat, Brandon does this kind of thing almost every single day.

On that same trip to Raleigh last week, Biden wanted to brag about, what else, Bidenomics. He was reading from the Teleprompter. It never goes well anymore when he delivers prepared remarks.

“Since I’ve been to office we’ve created 14 million new jobs,” he said, “440 new jobs in North Carolina alone just since I came back!”

Really, Mr. President? Not 440,000, but 440? The crowd tepidly applauded because… Democrats.

The polls show that Americans are finally noticing Dementia Joe’s mental decline. His press secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre, says she’s “a little confused” by those numbers. But then, she’s confused about a lot of things, for instance how to pronounce “Nobel,” as in “Nobel prizes.”

Obvioiusly, Joe can’t ad-lib anything. Never could, as a matter of fact. On the stump, Trump has taken to telling a story about how Ted Kennedy once told him that Biden was the dumbest member of the U.S. Senate. This from Ted Kennedy, who denounced “crop killer” bullets when he was himself “ab-libbing.” But Ted had an excuse – he was drunk 24/7.

But now, Biden can’t even read his prepared remarks:

“I fought my coal career.”

“In our time, there’s still the old ghost of new gov-garm-, uh, new garments.”

“We deserve to be treated equally throughout our lives. That covets a covenant we made with each other, a covenant we never fully lived up to but we’ve never walked away from either.”

Whatever you say, Mr. President. Why don’t you introduce yourself to the audience?

“My name’s Joe Biden. I work for the government in the Senate.”

The Senate? You don’t say.

He always goes off the rails when he talks about his family. He starts randomly screaming that the wealthy should “start paying their taxes.” Does he not remember that his crackhead son Hunter’s recent indictment in LA is for, among other things, not paying taxes.

Then there’s his late son Beau, who he sometimes claims died in Iraq (actually at Walter Reed), and other times because of something that happened in Iraq, where Beau was a JAG. Let’s pick up a recent reminiscence, such as it is.

“I was telling him my son Beau who I lost because of what happened in Iraq anyway my son Beau when he made major in Iraq I was I was there well I wasn’t there when he made that when he got promoted but I was with him later at an event at an event and anyway… In Iraq, I don’t want to say where I was but uh….”

When Dementia Joe gets confused in his senility, he begins repeating the same word, over and over again:

“Because there’s nothing nothing nothing nothing you have to remember who we are we’re the United States of America and nothing is beyond our capacity when we work together nothing nothing nothing….”

He said the border wasn’t a crisis, then he said it was. Biden said it had been a disaster for a decade, but if so why did he tell every foreign freeloader in the Third World to “surge” it during the 2020 campaign?

Are the Houthis terrorists, or are they not? Again, he can’t make up his mind, such as it is.

Brandon spoke to some mayors’ conference, and of course he couldn’t read the prepared text.

“All kidding aside, you have enormous respect for the – I have enormous respect for the jobs you do.”

If Dementia Joe were ever to be reelected, we would have a problem – an enormous problem.

And what could we do about it for another four years?

Nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing…. all kidding aside.


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