Panel ‘sided with the Constitution’ in dismissing Donald Trump ballot eligibility challenges

A Massachusetts state panel that dismissed efforts to toss Donald Trump off the ballot “sided with the Constitution,” a spokesperson for the former president said in a statement Tuesday morning.

The State Ballot Law Commission unanimously ruled Monday that it did not have the jurisdiction to move forward with challenges to Trump’s ballot eligibility, dealing a setback to a slate of voters who accused Trump of violating a Civil War-era clause of the Constitution because of his role in the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol.

Trump spokesperson Steven Cheung said the ruling in favor of Trump “dealt another blow to Biden Democrats and their election interference attempt to disenfranchise millions of American voters by trying to remove President Trump from the ballot.”

“In discarding this latest hoax, the commission sided with the Constitution, ensuring that the people of Massachusetts will have the right to vote for the candidate of their choice in 2024. We are certain that Crooked Joe Biden and the Democrats will make continued attempts to interfere in the election through similar, nefarious schemes like the ballot removal shams in other states and courts, but President Trump stands ready to fight them off at every turn,” Cheung said.

But Boston-based Attorney Shannon Liss-Riordan, who represented the bipartisan group of voters challenging Trump, said she is preparing an appeal to the Supreme Judicial Court after losing out before the commission.

In a statement Monday, Liss-Riordan said the commission’s decision “was not a ruling on the merits” on the challenges, which relied on section three of the Constitution’s 14th Amendment, a clause that bars from office anyone who took an oath to uphold the Constitution but engaged in an “insurrection or rebellion” against it.

“We believe the commission erred in its interpretation of Massachusetts election laws when it held it did not have jurisdiction to rule on this dispute,” Liss-Riordan said.

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