Letters to the editor

Tax hike

So, Gov. Healey, after three years of a pandemic when restaurants and hotels suffered you now want to stifle them even more by asking them to make their customers pay more taxes to take care of a state revenue shortfall ? Let me think…do you think maybe you made a huge mistake in letting illegal immigrants live off the taxpayers’ dime? By the way governor, we’re still waiting for you to announce you are letting the aforementioned “immigrants” use the three other bedrooms in your Arlington home. We are waiting with bated breath.

Jack Zaccardi

East Boston

Donald Trump

The vast majority of the American people have spoken. They are the ultimate jury concerning the numerous charges brought against Donald J. Trump in an attempt to derail his bid to regain the presidency. In addition, people are hopping mad over the attempts to get his name off the ballot in several states. This has all backfired against the corrupt Democratic Party leadership in an attempt to interfere with a presidential election.

What the American people know, and what his opposition fears, is that Trump is the one person who has the proven ability to fix the multitude of serious problems now confronting our nation.

Al DiLascia


Dem playbook

Kudos to the Boston Herald on its editorial (“Dems dismiss Trump supporters at their peril,” Jan. 17). What happened in Iowa at the caucuses will be repeated in the upcoming New Hampshire primary. Your newspaper’s editorial succinctly points out why Trump remains quite popular at the polls and why Democrats keep going back to their tired old playbook.

I voted for Donald Trump as a Reagan Democrat in 2016, I voted to re-elect him in 2020 and I plan on voting for Trump a third time this year. The Democrats have moved so far to the left they have become unrecognizable. They have forgotten about most of us in this country suffering from having the worst president in our nation’s history. Compared to Biden, Jimmy Carter now looks like Thomas Jefferson. Actually if Carter were on the ballot this year, I would vote for him over our incumbent taking up space in the White House.

What has happened to the Democrats is unbelievable. They have become the anti-party. They stand for public discord.

Republicans for the most part are almost as useless as Democrats which is why Trump keeps rising higher in the polls. Forget about the Ukraine, forget about Hamas, most Americans – thanks to inflation – are living day to day and things like the price of a dozen eggs will get people lining up at the polls to vote Trump. Democrats just don’t seem to understand how angry and frustrated voters across this nation are. Biden’s poll numbers are down to a 33% approval rating.

Trump is listening to the American people while Democrats are still preaching how good things are. Their message is pure nonsense. If Democrats don’t start listening to the voters, they deserve to lose in November.

Sal Giarratani

East Boston


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