Healthy sips for a healthier new year

Well that was a doozy of a holiday run, was it not? We sang, we ate, we gifted, we partied like it was the end of, well, 2023. And now it’s time to pivot to some post-holiday cleansing.

Even if you’re not into the idea of doing a dry January and don’t particularly feel like jumping on the rollercoaster of drastic diet change. there are plenty of beverages out there that you can easily sip to boost your health — in many different ways.

For example? Let’s start with chaga teas. You may not have heard of these yet, but they’ve been around for eons; people in Eastern Europe have been drinking them for centuries. It’s made from chaga mushrooms, which usually grow on the trunks of birch trees. Studies have found that they may help prevent cancer and slow tumor growth,  can help balance our immune systems, slow inflammation, and possibly even help protect our livers. A great and yummy one to try is from Boom Chaga (

If better sleep health is on your new year agenda, then lattes may well be your solution. That sounds a little counterproductive, I know, but give Beam Dream sleep powder ( a shot and you’ll understand what I mean. It’s basically a cup of healthy hot cocoa —made of 5 natural sleep-friendly ingredients (nano hemp, reishi mushrooms, magnesium, amino acid, and melatonin) — that you froth up with a mini blender stick (you can buy one with the Beam powder) and drink about 30 to 45 minutes before bed.

Anyone who’s been following all of the chatter about the importance of gut health over the last few years will know the blast of good that kombucha can provide. And one of new favorites is Huney Jun Kombucha ( Instead of sugar, it’s cultured using raw honey and green tea, then infused with adaptogenic super-herbs, mushrooms, and botanicals known to boost immunity and lower internal stress responses. I love their flavors, too — blends like jasmine-rose, pear-lime with nettle and lemon balm, and lavender-berry with elderberry — all of them unpasteurized and full of probiotics.

Meanwhile, of all the superfoods out there to pop into a smoothie, seaweed is a total powerhouse. It’s an excellent source of iodine, which is terrific for thyroid hormones that help regulate your metabolism. And it contains bioactive compounds and soluble fiber that helps lower blood sugar and improves insulin sensitivity. Moreover, it’s packed with amino acid glutamine that helps reduce inflammation. So for tasty flavor, grab some wild blueberry and ginger kelp cubes from Atlantic Sea Farms ( and whizz them up in a blender with some juice, yogurt, and you’ll be one giant and tasty step closer to good health in the new year.


Wild blueberry and ginger kelp cubes from Atlantic Sea Farms. (Photo Atlantic Sea Farms)


Huney Jun Kombucha comes in flavors such as jasmine-rose, pear-lime with nettle and lemon balm, and lavender-berry with elderberry. (Photo

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