Ecuador: 2006-2024 Historical Data available

The Chevrolet Aveo Activo was #1 in Ecuador in 2010.

Historical Data for almost the past two decades is available on BSCB. The direct links to the annual posts are below.

Ecuador 2006: Chevrolet dominates the models ranking

Ecuador 2009: Old gen Chevrolet Aveo above 10%

Ecuador 2010: Chevrolet Aveo Activo and Luv D-Max dominate

Ecuador 2012: Chevrolet Sail takes the lead

Ecuador 2013: Chevrolet Sail leads, Kia Rio Stylus lands

Ecuador 2014: Chevrolet Sail and D-Max on top

Ecuador 2015: Chevrolet just below 50% share

Ecuador 2016: Great Wall leaps up 11% to #5 in market down 22%

Ecuador 2017: Chevrolet dominates market up 65.3%

Ecuador 2018: Chevrolet Sail takes lead, Chinese at 14.3% share in market up 31%

Ecuador 2019: Chevrolet Spark tops market up 26.8%, new Captiva in Top 10

Ecuador 2022: Chevrolet marks 28 years at #1 (with 2021 figures)

Ecuador 2023: Chevrolet D-Max #1 again, Shineray G01 #4

Ecuador 2024: Chevrolet celebrates 30 straight years at #1

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