Dakota County races: South St. Paul mayor and city council

Two candidates are running for mayor of South St. Paul and four for three city council seats in November’s election.

General information about the Nov. 5, 2024, election is online at twincities.com/news/politics/elections including information on candidates for races in Ramsey, Dakota and Washington counties.

To find out what’s on your ballot, where to vote and other election information, visit the Minnesota Secretary of State’s elections page at sos.state.mn.us/elections-voting.


Jimmy Francis (incumbent)

Jimmy Francis. (Courtesy of the candidate)

Age: 49

What would your top priorities be if elected? #1. Continue Effective and Functional Government, We have a strong tradition of functional government, and I am committed to maintaining and enhancing our effectiveness in all areas of governance. #2. Water Protection and Infrastructure Resilience, Water protection is a critical concern for South St. Paul, particularly regarding our own aquifer threatened PFAS. #3. Economic Development is key to relieving our residents of a high tax burden, SSP is poised and prepared for new development.

What qualifies you to hold this position? Elected in 2016 and have served as mayor 2017-2025 I am active on the Dakota Scott Workforce Board, a member of the South Metro Fire Department Board of Directors and a shareholder and board member of South St. Paul Futures. My day job as an employee benefits advisor helps me connect and understand people.

What do you think is the primary role of government? City governments role should be focused on public services like water and sewer. Safety and Law Enforcement, economic development.

How do you work to understand, and then learn from, opinions that differ from your own and people who disagree with you? I am an active listener: I try to pay close attention to what others are saying without immediately forming a response. This helps in genuinely understanding their perspective. I ask clarifying questions to seek to understand the reasoning behind their viewpoint. Questions can help uncover the underlying values and experiences that shape their opinions. I empathize and I try to see the issue from their perspective and I consider their background and experiences that may influence their views. I reflect, after understanding their perspective, I reflect on how it contrasts with my own and what insights it offers. I engage respectfully and discuss differences respectfully and constructively. I always avoid personal attacks and focus on the ideas being exchanged. Seeking common ground usually identify areas of agreement or shared values that can form the basis for a productive dialogue. I stay open-minded and willing to adjust my views if the new information provides a valid and compelling argument.

Website or contact information: ilovessp.wordpress.com / 651-321-8348

Mark J. Westpfahl

Mark Westpfahl. (Courtesy of Mark Westpfahl)

Age: 45

What would your top priorities be if elected? My priorities include creating a transparent and collaborative environment in which we work with our community partners to develop new strategies for how to combat issues, lowering our incidence of domestic violence and opioid use which is the second highest in Dakota County, and maintaining and repairing important infrastructure while finding a balance between taxes and spending. I believe we can be more proactive, rather than reactive, in our decision making and planning processes.

What qualifies you to hold this position? I am a 16-year public school teacher who has more than a decade of political and organizational experience which has given me a strong understanding of the political process, procedures, and policies needed to help lead South St. Paul. I’ve served on various boards, committees and nonprofit boards, including President of the Minnesota Council for the Social Studies, Inver Grove Heights Board of Education, and the Minnesota State Capitol Preservation Commission.

What do you think is the primary role of government? South St. Paul’s local government plays a vital role in providing essential services such as public safety and infrastructure maintenance while managing a $20+ million dollar annual budget to ensure efficient use of resources. Our city also regulates land use and zoning to guide development, promotes economic growth by supporting local businesses, and implements community programs to enhance residents’ quality of life. We need to ensure that our elected officials and city staff are engaging citizens in the decision-making process and that we are being fair and inclusive and we strive to create a safe, vibrant and sustainable city to meet the diverse needs of our residents.

How do you work to understand, and then learn from, opinions that differ from your own and people who disagree with you? Humility is key. An effective leader must recognize that they are not the expert in all matters. While I may not always agree with a person or a group on a certain issue, it is important to provide space to bring other voices to the table, as that is the key to having an engaged and informed society. A mayor needs to possess strong communication, negotiation, and consensus-building skills so issues can be heard and civil discourse can take place. Being a quality listener is vital as they will learn new things from residents, business owners, and others that will ultimately help craft policies or set strategic initiatives. It’s also important to ask questions of residents, business leaders, and other professionals as their expertise is critical in understanding complex issues and determining potential solutions.

Website or contact information: markformayorssp.com/

City council

Pam Bakken (incumbent)

Pam Bakken. (Courtesy of the candidate)

Age: 50

What would your top priorities be if elected? My top three priorities include a continued focus on funding our infrastructure, so we do not have to issue debt to improve our roads, parks, water and sewer. Economic Development is the best way to lower the tax burden on our residents. Lastly, with every new project my goal is to make sure accessibility is a priority. From our roads to a new community pool, all our residents should be able live our cities motto with ease: The best place to live, work and play.

What qualifies you to hold this position? I believe that working with everyone at the table and inviting all voices to the table is key to holding this office. My approach is South St. Paul first. At a local level, you need to be able to listen, have a spirit of goodwill and the ability to compromise to move our city forward. I have worked with our partners at the county, state and federal level on several projects and continue to bring the needs of our city to them. I have run two campaigns with the phrase “Better Together.” I still believe that. My approach has been to respect my colleagues and respect their ideas. Realizing that I am one of seven who care deeply about the well-being of our residents and want to represent them well. I have been thoughtful, conservative and diligent in my approach to the budget. being conservative in our spending and saving for future large infrastructure projects so we do not have to borrow money. We are Better Together!

What do you think is the primary role of government? I believe the primary role of government at a local level is to provide quality services to our residents. This includes public safety, clean water, sewer, maintain roads and provide accessibility within our parks system and city-wide amenities. Furthermore, we need to support organizations within our city that can assist with housing, food, clothing and financial basics. We need to be fiscally responsible with our residents dollars by creating a budget that is conservative in spending and plans for future needs without issuing debt.

How do you work to understand, and then learn from, opinions that differ from your own and people who disagree with you? My approach to understanding others with differing views is to come to the table with an open mind and open ears. Listening with the goal of learning and processing what they have to say while respecting each other is how I approach my work at the council level and my interaction with residents.

Website or contact information: Cell Phone 651-274-2409 Email: cpbakken@msn.com Facebook: Pam Bakken SSP City Council

Tyler C. Fehrman

Tyler Fehrman.(Courtesy of the candidate)

Age: 33

What would your top priorities be if elected? First and foremost, to serve as a voice for the residents of South St. Paul at City Hall – and to make sure residents feel seen, heard, valued, and know that they have a seat at the table. Second, to help ensure our city is budgeting in a way that ensures projects are funded without placing the financial burden on residents as a default option. We pay too much in taxes, and it is largely due to a lack of financial planning and responsible budgeting that looks towards the future. Third, I will prioritize identifying creative funding solutions for major projects by seeking assistance from our county, state, federal, and private funding partners. This will help minimize the need to continually ask the community for more of their hard-earned money.

What qualifies you to hold this position? I spent about a decade working in state and local government and have a Master of Public Administration. Additionally, I have experience working in the private sector on complex, multi-million dollar projects. Beyond that, I have always felt a calling to public service and am passionate about helping friends and neighbors – and serving my community!

What do you think is the primary role of government? I believe that local government can – and should – aggressively seek solutions to the issues that residents face every day. It should serve as a tool and resource for those it serves – instead of a roadblock. I believe the primary role of government is to provide much-needed services to its constituents, as well as to be a communicative and transparent entity dedicated to providing vision and leadership for a community.

How do you work to understand, and then learn from, opinions that differ from your own and people who disagree with you? I am a self-described people person… there’s nothing I enjoy more than learning people’s stories and understanding the perspectives of others. My first goal is always to seek to understand – to listen and learn – someone else’s perspective. All of us have a story to tell that has brought us to the opinions and values we hold close, and those stories provide insight into who we are as humans. Even when I disagree with someone, I work to treat them with dignity and respect.

Website or contact information: FehrmanForSSP.com

Lori Hansen (incumbent)

Lori Hansen. (Courtesy of the candidate)

Age: 69

What would your top priorities be if elected? Increase our tax base, look for funding opportunities to update our infrastructure including pools, parks and historical structures and keep SSP a safe and vibrant community.

What qualifies you to hold this position? My experience, dedication and community involvement. I am also a Dakota County Planning Commissioner, Dakota 911 Board member, past Park and Rec Chairperson, SSP Economic Development Commissioner and a member of task force groups. I make it a priority to attend community events to reach out to community members. This all gives me the ability to make educated decisions regarding the needs and wants of our community.

What do you think is the primary role of government? The primary role of government as a locally elected official is to maintain core services for the citizens of SSP while keeping within our budget constraints.

How do you work to understand, and then learn from, opinions that differ from your own and people who disagree with you? I think it is important to reach out and talk with the members of our community. We need to communicate with each other in a productive and positive manner. I believe in looking at the whole picture when making decisions. which means listening and learning from all sides of an issue.

Website or contact information: call or text 651-249-4701 or facebook.com/LoriHansenSSPCityCouncil/

Todd Podgorski (incumbent)

Todd Podgorski. (Courtesy of the candidate)

Age: 51

What would your top priorities be if elected? Implementing our newly updated parks masterplan with a new pool is a top priority. Our parks and pools are important to our residents as it helps with their quality of life and helps with home values. I believe the residents deserve to have their voices heard in 2025 with a voter approved parks and pool bond referendum. Economic development along Concord and in particular the Hardman Triangle area will be a priority. Wakota crossing and the South Concord Corridor will also be priorities for economic development. Expanding our tax base helps keep our taxes lower. Public safety is an ongoing priority and in particular I am concerned about police recruitment and retention.

What qualifies you to hold this position? I have currently served twelve years on the SSP City Council. I also served four years on the SSP School Board. I served on the NDC4 Cable Commission. Our City Council also acts as an EDA-Economic Development Authority. I have worked for over twenty-six years as a Peace Officer in Ramsey County. Five generation of my family have called South St. Paul home. As a homeowner, Husband, and Father I have a vested interest in our community. I take pride in bringing people together to get important things done.

What do you think is the primary role of government? The primary role of government is to provide safety for its residents. James Madison wrote, “If men were angels, no government would be necessary. If angels were to govern men, neither external or internal controls on government would be necessary.” Approximately half of most city’s budgets go to provide public safety for police and fire protection. The government should also have reasonable regulations that help ensure that public health and safety is a priority. For example our city is currently concerned about water and air quality in our community. Freedom doesn’t seem as free or carefree if the community is concerned about crime and public health concerns. At the State level educating our youth is a primary role and at the Federal level providing for our military for national defense is a primary role.

How do you work to understand, and then learn from, opinions that differ from your own and people who disagree with you? Listening to understand and then trying to find a solution to a concern or issue is critical in solving problems. I like facts and data and while we can disagree about what the implications of the facts maybe it’s important to agree on what the facts are as we try to solve concerns in our community. Being respectful towards one another as we have differences is important and I am proud of how respectful our current City Council is towards one another, residents and staff. I also work to keep an open mind that I may not have all the information in front of me and new information and perspectives should be honored as we deliberate on how to best make improvements in our community.

Website or contact information: todd.podgorski@comcast.net 

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