Boosting the Curb Appeal of Your Carport: Easy and Affordable Tips

You love almost everything about your carport. You picked the perfect style and your vehicle is finally out of your driveway. You even have some extra storage space for a few random boxes. You’re absolutely thrilled with every aspect except one—the area around your carport isn’t exactly screaming curb appeal. 

Thankfully, you’re not stuck with an eyesore. We have some easy landscaping ideas to complement your carport and improve the overall appearance of your yard. Best of all, these ideas aren’t going to break your wallet.

Landscaping with a Theme

If you want to go all out, start thinking about a landscaping theme. If you need some ideas, take a walk around your neighborhood. What are your neighbors planting in their yards? What’s thriving in your climate and which plants look like they’re barely hanging on?

You may also want to head to your local nursery. The staff should be able to give you some ideas. You want the themed garden to reflect your personality. But without requiring a ton of care and effort.

Some landscaping theme ideas include creating a southwest garden. If you live in a region with plenty of hot days and little rainfall, this can be an eco-friendly option. If you think less is always more, a minimalist theme may be perfect for your carport. All you need are a few statement plants like miniature shrubs and a couple of decorative rocks.

What about a coastal theme? You don’t have to live by the beach to give your carport a coastal feel. All you need are some seashells, a couple of plants, and maybe a few pieces of driftwood. Your coastal garden can even become an ongoing project you add to every time you come back from a beach trip.

Get Creative without Using Plants

Not everyone has a green thumb. Some people can even run into trouble keeping a cactus alive in an arid environment. If this sounds like you, no worries. 

You can still spruce up the area around the carport without killing any plants. You may want to browse through some design websites and even magazines for ideas. To help you get started, why not consider installing a pathway around the carport? 

We’re not talking about a simple concrete pathway but something that really stands out. Decorative rock pathways are a great option and you’re not limited to plain white stones. You can find gravel in a variety of colors that match or complement your home and carport.

Another fun idea is creating a rock garden. You can even get the whole family involved. Everyone can pick out a statement rock to add to the garden. Not only will the garden look great but it’s also one you don’t need to worry about remembering to water.

Garden Small

Do you have your heart set on a plant but don’t want the hassle of keeping up with a garden? Have you considered installing a trellis or even a lattice next to the carport? You can find a broad selection of vines, some even flowering, to grow up the trellis or lattice. Give it a couple of growing seasons and soon the entire side of the carport will be covered in greenery.

Yes, you will need to water the plant but there are a couple of solutions that can cut back on the chore. Try laying down a layer of mulch around the plant’s roots. The mulch not only looks great but it also helps prevent moisture from evaporating from the soil—this doesn’t mean you can skip watering completely, but you don’t have to do it as often.

Go Big with Hardscaping

What is hardscaping? The design term refers to laying down a hard material like concrete or paving stones. If you have plenty of space on the carport’s side, maybe you can add a small patio.

The hardscaping can give an area a more uniform look, especially if it’s in a section of the yard where grass refuses to grow. Add a small table and a couple of chairs, and you have a lovely place to relax with a cup of coffee. If you really want to make an impression, add some pots with colorful flowers. Since the plants are in pots, care is a breeze and you can switch the plants out with the seasons.

Hopefully, you have some ideas on how you want to spruce up the area around your carport. Remember to use your imagination and think about the amount of time you want to put into caring for the area before you start planting a garden.

The post Boosting the Curb Appeal of Your Carport: Easy and Affordable Tips appeared first on My Car Heaven.

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