Letters to the editor

Child Tax Credit

How long must families wait? It’s been nearly two months since the House passed a bipartisan expansion of the Child Tax Credit and sent it to the Senate. Estimates are that this bill will benefit 16 million children in families with low incomes, including 5.8 million kids under the age of six.

You would think that in an election year, Congress would be eager to pass a tax cut for families (and small businesses). But a few senators are blocking it for political gain. Families should not have to wait months for Congress to pass something that is both popular and necessary.

It is time for senators to show us their hands. If the bill passes, families win. If it fails, senators can explain to voters why they chose to keep children in poverty.

When the Senate returns to Washington after Easter, I urge our senators to demand an immediate vote and then vote YES on the Tax Relief for American Families and Workers Act.

William Deignan


Illegal immigration

The Biden administration, and many leading Democrats, have some kind of a plan that massive illegal immigration will immensely help the Democratic Party to gain complete control of our nation.

Yet, as millions upon millions cross our borders, the consequences of their plan is placing our people, and our nation, in grave danger. Contained within them are serious criminals and terrorists who want to destroy our country. We are also accepting the deaths of over 100,000 per year of our people from fentanyl.

What we now have at our borders is insanity. It MUST stop! Our federal government has abdicated their responsibilities. Responsible states must take charge as Texas is heroically trying to do.

Al DiLascia


Patriots documentary

The recent release of Apple TV’s  ten-part documentary on the New England Patriots’ success was more an issue with team owner Robert Kraft finding fault with Coach Bill Belichick and blaming him for the team not returning to the Super Bowl in recent years.

Coach Belichick took the Patriots to seven Super Bowls winning six,  a feat that may never be achieved by another National Football League team but Kraft takes the low road with his anti-Belichick post-dynasty blame game. He deflects the blame for the recent season’s downturn onto anyone but himself as the owner.

Coach Belichick has been positive taking the high road with no negativity toward Kraft’s comments on the documentary.

Fran Bogdanowicz


Nuclear energy

Our government is willing to pour money into unreliable solar and wind energy. Can you spell Solyndra? Nuclear energy is clean, safe and reliable. The hysteria that swirls around nuclear power is misguided.  The technology required to build small, efficient, nuclear plants exists now. Nuclear energy needs to be a larger source of power for America’s growth. Government subsidies that are propping up solar and wind power are making some people rich but does not provide enough energy to make the US energy independent. Nuclear energy is a viable alternative to fossil fuel and should be a growing industry.

Donald Houghton


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