Letters to the editor
Grateful American
It is so disheartening. We live in the greatest country the world has ever known. We should be so grateful. If you have the means, you can go anywhere and live anywhere you want.
So many people have an axe to grind. They like to tear our country down. I call them small, self-important people. Now the axe grinders can jump on me. I want my proud and patriotic country back.
Ralph Holmgren
Sagamore Beach
Trump on ballot
We live in a nation that is still defined by the critical legal principle that you are innocent until proven guilty. Former President Trump was never found guilty of anything related to the Jan. 6 melee despite efforts to impeach him for it. Regardless, Democrats want to remove his name from the ballot, and thus, remove Americans’ freedom of choice to vote. This is disgraceful. Democrat “leaders” are literally willing to turn our nation into nothing more than a Third World banana republic where justice is selective as an instrument of political will and tyranny just to prevent Donald Trump from running for president again.
These politically motivated actions have only further alienated Americans from our political class/system, and divided America further. They only make Trump more popular as a political outsider as we approach the elections this November.
I’m glad that the Supreme Court has settled this issue once and for all.
Michael Pravica, Ph.D.
I for one have zero interest in a presidential rematch of two crooked over-the-hill octogenarians.
It’s too bad that our two parties refused to throw more support behind younger more vibrant people like Nikki Haley. Come election day I am taking a page from the Richard Pryor character in “Brewster’s Millions” and voting for none of the above. I urge all of the country to do this so neither of these bums get enough electoral votes and Congress will have to decide.
Paul J. Baranofsky
Biden’s rant on shrinkflation highlights his lack of economic sense. If a bag of 10 potato chips cost $1, not many consumers notice that the bag now has only 8 chips in it. The cost remains $1, but the consumer is cheated out of 2 chips. Without shrinkflation, the cost of the 10 chip bag would inflate to $1.25. We would all notice the higher cost and feel the sting of Bidenomics. Shrinkflation is Biden’s best friend and our worst enemy. In November, let the chips fall where they may.
Donald Houghton
State of the Union
I listened to a small portion of the president’s State of The Union Address and was embarrassed that this guy is leading our country. It was nothing more than a rambling of an angry old man put out a bunch of half-truths. He is looking for another 4 years to finish what he started …destroying this country.
Paul Quaglia