Franks: Can Nikki Haley be the new comeback kid?

The Republican establishment is with former President Donald Trump. Nearly every Republican elected official in Washington is rushing to kiss his ring.

Yes, the same men and women who have played a role in getting us into this mess want to have the sole person, who, along with President Joe Biden, played a lead role in getting us into this predicament in the first place.

Trump failed to build “the wall” to protect America’s southern border as he promised he would do. Trump outwardly hoodwinked folks on how he would pay for it. Also, he increased the national debt by trillions, just like Biden.

Thanks to these two old men the interest payments on our $34 trillion national debt will soon eclipse or match the spending for our national defense budget.

Granted, America is going in the wrong direction. Inflation has caused the cost of goods to rise by 20% since 2021 and we are seeing high interest rates which are nearly double what they were since Biden took office.

Trump’s response is that he would do better. OK. How?

Where is Trump’s plan for the future? How will he move America forward other than doing the opposite of Biden? Has he been too busy to develop one?

Former United Nations Ambassador and South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley must focus on the issues. Trump has had achievements. For example, China feared and respected Trump. And we were not simultaneously supporting allies embroiled in two wars at that time.

Haley should discuss Trump’s failures and how she would do better. Talking incessantly about the drama surrounding Trump obviously has not worked. We all know that.

Haley, tell us why you are better on the issues. Tell us about your achievements as governor of South Carolina and your service as U.S. ambassador at the United Nations. Tell us what your “shining city on the hill” would look like. Tell us why we should vote for you even if there were no Trump or Biden to compete against.

It is one on one now – you versus Trump. You have time, but the hourglass is emptying quickly. If you want to be president, tell us what you will do for us, how you will fight for us, and how you can achieve your goals for the betterment of our nation and world.

As Biden gets closer to the highest age category for expected death it is a fair point to highlight Vice President Kamala Harris who has more than cemented America’s opinion of her ineptitude. Harris (who I personally believe the Democrat Party will dump) is on track to be president if the Biden-Harris team prevails in November.

Also, the age and decline of Biden as an issue for Republicans disappears if we have Trump as the GOP standard-bearer. It’s the “pot calling the kettle black” syndrome.

The two old guys have refused to do debates thus far. One is too busy (Trump) and the other lacks energy (Biden).

A youthful Haley who has not been part of the disaster in Washington would be refreshing. The political establishment got us here. We need a political outsider with experience to get us out of this mess. Going “back to the future” is not wise.

Unlike Haley who beats Biden like a drum, Trump does not consistently beat Biden in the polls. This is troubling. The Republican establishment – losers in repeated elections – seems to relish being the Buffalo Bills of politics. They come up short in big contests every time.

Democrats have only one issue that trumps the Republicans (Trump brags about being the catalyst for it): abortion. When it comes to this issue, it would be as if Trump walked right into a punch. The GOP took a shellacking in the midterm elections on this question. All the GOP candidates running for president tripped badly over it.

On the other hand, Haley fared well in comparison. She understands that the people must decide the abortion question, not elected Republican men.

After the New Hampshire primary, the most embarrassing moment was when South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott was humiliated by Trump. Yet Trump was right on this one. Scott was a congressman with two years of experience when then-Governor Haley did the unthinkable: She selected Scott to be South Carolina’s senator. It proved to be an excellent decision.

Scott has stabbed Haley in the back with his endorsement of Trump. He claims to know where he came from, but does not remember how he got there. Being neutral was an option. Trump pointed out that Scott must “really hate” Haley to be endorsing him over her. Scott’s response was that he “really loved Trump.”

Former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie gave Haley a kick on his way out of the primary race. He knew that if he endorsed her, his support would have likely given her additional votes, bringing her into single digits with Trump. Instead, Christie chose to negatively compound matters with his unflattering “hot mic” comments which ended up subtracting votes from Haley.

The irony is that the man who professed the most dislike for Trump on debate stages, may have played the biggest role in actually helping Trump return to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Christie, look out for that early (November 2024) Christmas card from Trump as a thank you.

Or, maybe Christie is trying to get in front of the line for a “No Labels Party” nomination.

Republican primary voters should realize that without being able to carry the Independent vote, Trump will not return to the Oval Office. As of today, independents despise him. If that remains the same, it would be impossible for him to win.

And so, Republicans and the Buffalo Bills will likely continue to have a lot in common.

Gary Franks served three terms as U.S. representative for Connecticut’s 5th District. He was the first Black Republican elected to the House in nearly 60 years and New England’s first Black member of the House. Host: podcast “We Speak Frankly.” @GaryFranks

Tribune News Service

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