Division 2 track: No stopping the Woburn girls, North Andover boys

All week, Woburn girls head coach Jim Fletcher felt uneasy with his squad’s high seeds heading into Saturday’s Div. 2 Coaches Relays.

The legendary coach knew he had a wealth of talent up and down the roster, but there was always the nagging feeling that things wouldn’t go as planned. Fletcher, though, needn’t have worried.

The Tanner girls wasted no time in separating themselves from the field with wins in the first four events on the way to the team title with 58 points at the Reggie Lewis Center.

Woburn pulled out wins in the sprint medley (4:17.23), 4×50 (25.01), shuttle hurdles (30.00) and 4×800 (9:55.11). The Tanners also took second in the 4×200 (1:48.53). Sophomore Kayleigh Curll, a three-sport athlete who also plays soccer and lacrosse, picked up three medals for the Tanners in their lopsided win.

For Curll, track is more than just staying in shape for the lacrosse season.

“Honestly, the team has made this season so much more than conditioning,” she said. “Not everyone gets this opportunity.”

Fletcher told the girls they could win the meet if they did their job. Curll said that was never in doubt.

“It’s very important for our entire team,” said Curll. “We all push each other hard. I didn’t expect that (fast start). Everyone did their job. It was amazing to watch. We work so well together.”

Ferguson said the early lead allowed his athletes to focus on their performance and not having to catch other teams.

“It (win) was a culmination of all the events,” Fletcher said. “We were seeded to do a lot of damage.”

With six runner-up finishes to Wellesley in the Div. 2 Championships, Fletcher knows the team needs to improve going forward, but he’s also confident they’ve yet to have their best meet.

“We still have a lot of work to do,” he said. “On paper there’s a better version of this team still.”

On the boys side, North Andover had talent to spare in the 4×50 as its A team broke the meet record in 21.63 and the B squad clocked 22.41 for second. The time, run by the lineup of Ajani Muzasadila, Wyatt Sanchez, Trevor Hunter and Sohan Nath, erased the 22.15 mark set by Woburn in 2012.

That was one highlight of a big day where the Scarlet Knights captured their fifth team title in six years with 76 points. North Andover had victories in the 4×400 (3:32.14) and shot put to go along with the 4×50.

“Honestly we’ve had some success but we had lost a lot of talent,” said head coach Jason Guarente. “The (4×50) was a big event that we focused on and planned on. To get the record was just terrific. We circle this meet on the calendar every year. This whole day was shocking the way we got here.”

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