Democrats shaming Trump supporters as ‘crazies’ will backfire again

Democrats can’t figure out how to stop Donald Trump so now they’re publicly shaming his voters, portraying them as “crazies” in the new “deplorables” tactic that backfired so badly in 2016.

It didn’t work for Hillary Clinton and it won’t work for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris this year.

“I am scared as heck,” Harris told “The View” crew when asked by host Joy Behar about the potential of Trump winning again.

“What could happen if Trump ever became, God forbid, president again? And what are you going to do to stop the crazies?” a panicked Behar told the vice president.

Joy Behar calling someone crazy? That’s really quite something.

Harris did not disagree with Behar’s assessment about Trump voters being “crazies” – a tacit admission that could be a big mistake once again by Harris and Biden.

“You know, there’s an old saying that there are only two ways to run for office: either without an opponent or scared,” Harris said. “So on all those points, yes, we should all be scared.”

Portraying Trump supporters as mentally deranged will only make things worse for Biden, and adds to the division already wracking this country.

Tens of millions of voters are being portrayed as an extremist, semi-fascist cult – blackballed because they are exercising their freedom of speech. Trump backers are now afraid to even put a sign in their front yard.

It’s an extension of the “basket of deplorables” argument that Clinton used eight years ago, running not just against Trump but all his supporters – and playing into the fear that somehow these deplorables will take over.

The Biden White House has repeatedly gone after the “extremist” MAGA “movement” – calling Trump — who appears ready to land a knockout blow in New Hampshire — a semi-fascist who threatens democracy – and they continue to do it even after being warned to stop.

The Office of Special Counsel ruled that criticizing “MAGA” Republicans in Congress was a violation of the Hatch Act, which prohibits federal government employees from engaging in campaign activity.

It confirms the elitist attitude that Democrats have against half the country.

Rather than deal with the alienation of tens of millions of voters, they demonize the voters with a broad brush.

They’re insulting average voters while exalting immigrants who come to this country illegally. That’s a wise strategy?

Illegal immigration is driving the bus in this election.

Even disenfranchised black and Latino voters are moving toward Trump. Are they crazies? Young people, who can’t find an affordable place to live, are they crazy?

Democrats aren’t even in the gutter, they’re subterranean.

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