Letters to the editor

Illegal immigration

The American government is spending more money than at any other time in our history, as a matter of fact it is actually spending more money today than any other nation in the history of the world.  Our illegal immigration numbers are at an all time high in the history of our government, as a matter of fact they are higher than illegal immigration numbers into any sovereign nation in the history of the world.

In the face of this, the Biden Administration says it needs new laws and new money, despite the fact that our borders were closed 3 years ago when the federal government had less money on hand and the same laws in place we have today (namely the Immigration and Nationality Act, which Alejandro Mayorkas now stands impeached for actively subverting since 2021). These are not serious people – not serious about fixing problems important to Americans in any event. Throw the bums out in November.

Nick McNulty

Windham, NH

Congestion pricing

Congestion pricing may sound scary in our auto-addicted culture. But we’re not the first to try it!  London has had congestion pricing for 20 years now.  The air is cleaner, more people are using public transit or other environmentally friendly ways to get around – yes, even bicycles!  – and they are expanding it.

Surely if the Brits can do it, we can. And we could use the income to improve the T!

Susan Donaldson


2024 election

As I read the remarks made by Donald Trump down in South Carolina (“Appalling and Dangerous,” Boston Herald, Feb. 12), I wish I could say I was surprised by Trump’s needless remarks which drew instant rebuke from both opponents and supporters.

With the recent news about special counsel Robert Hur’s report basically calling Joe Biden too old and cognitively impaired, all Trump needed to do was keep his mouth shut and he couldn’t. U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Florida tried to cover for him, but he shouldn’t have had to do that.

Biden is going back to his bunker and hiding out until Election Day. No speeches, no press conferences,  no interviews and most of all no presidential debates with Trump.

The polls keep sinking in on Biden and his Democratic lackeys keep propping him up. It all reminds me of the Great and Powerful Oz behind the curtains. If Biden can’t do a speech, answer reporters’ questions, can’t do interviewers and can’t debate his Republican opponent, how can he be fit to get re-elected president of the United States?

I think Napoleon said this hundreds of years ago, “Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.” Everybody should be talking about Biden’s fitness for office but Trump now has everybody talking about him, Putin and NATO.

I voted for Trump twice already, but this year, I’m keeping my eye on Robert F. Kennedy Jr. I might end up going third party. Trump needs to wise up.

Sal Giarratani

East Boston


Editorial cartoon by Steve Kelley (Creators Syndicate)

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