Franks: Can liberal cable networks survive – should they?

Post-Election Day, MSNBC viewers fell to a 25-year low and CNN fell to new lows as well. They had all their eggs in one basket. They clearly wanted and supported the Democratic candidate for president, Vice President Kamala Harris.

Is that what we expect from our “news” media? They amplified and used hyperbole to extenuate the negatives for former President Donald Trump, never pointed out anything good about him, and refused to acknowledge or challenge anything that could be deemed negative for Harris, while always giving her high praise. They were like high school cheerleaders at a football game.

When communist countries do this to their people, we refer to it as propaganda. The absence of propaganda is free, fair, and balanced coverage, once a trademark of American journalism.

The liberal cable networks thought nobody could see their shenanigans because they were broadcasting in an echo chamber, while the “silent majority” were drawing their own conclusions on what was taking place, realizing that the networks were attempting to sell their views much like the cigarette companies did in the 1960s. They knew it was wrong but continued as long as their team benefited.

Like cigarettes that cause cancer, news by the liberal cable networks became cancerous as well. This kind of news caused significant damage to the lives and families of Americans. It pushed us into a tribal existence. Many families this Thanksgiving avoided talking about politics out of fear of creating irrevocable rifts with their loved ones.

Much like the gangs in Los Angeles – the Crips and Bloods – if you were with one, you hated the other. Just wearing the wrong color hat in a certain neighborhood could cause you harm. Saying you were a Trump supporter could be cause for you to be blackballed.

Hate is evil and destructive. The question is: Have the cable networks’ credibility been so damaged that they cannot recalibrate?

One could say that four years ago, post the 2020 Election, we saw something else that was bad in journalism and the news coverage from cable networks hit a historic low.

At that time, it was the conservative leaning network – Fox News – that was the culprit. It ultimately resulted in a nearly $800 million defamation settlement going to its victim, Dominion Voting System, due to Fox’s false claims that Dominion voting machines were fraudulent. With that lawsuit, Fox caused Americans to lose trust in its reporting.

The executives at Fox, however, took quick and decisive action to right the ship. It will always be a work in progress, but they have regained the trust of millions of Americans as the leader in cable news by far.

During the Biden administration the broadcast network news stations failed us, especially with their investigative reporting teams. At times they followed the cable networks too closely. Where were the tough questions on policies that would affect Americans? For example, did anyone in the media ask why it was OK to spend nearly a trillion dollars on climate change initiatives when we would have to borrow nearly a trillion of dollars to pay for them. Also should we spend hundreds of billion dollars on two wars when we could not pay for them? Simple questions, which nobody asked.

President Joe Biden was allowed to avoid the press and avoid tough questions for four years. He held fewer White House press conferences than any president in modern history. His public visibility was about the same as it has been in the last several months. He has been the “invisible man.” But the liberal media, especially the liberal cable networks, have been “OK” with that.

Instead, the deceptive Democrats had the media running after stories on the Trump Reality Show, totally ignoring the decline of Biden, and blindly repeating Democratic Party talking points without them being challenged or questioned.

The Biden administration even made the liberal cable networks complicit in having open borders. Only one station – Fox News – stood against it consistently. Our border with Mexico, along with the economy, were the top issues for voters.

There was even a time when liberal cable news outlets were attempting to sell us Bidenomics, when every week at the grocery store we lived the pain caused by inflation. They kept telling us that “we” were doing great, better than European nations. Flash – we are Americans, we are supposed to be doing better than the Europeans – duh. We compare this generation of Americans only against past generations of Americans.

The Biden administration allowed millions of illegal immigrants to enter America.

Four years of Biden-Harris has truly made us thankful that we will soon not have them at the helm much longer. Now, can the liberal media return to journalism as we once knew it?

God may have given Americans another chance to like and even love each other, despite one being a Red Sox fan and the other a Yankees fan. I did when I was growing up.

When I was in Congress, members of that body were civil toward each other. I had more Democratic friends than Republican ones, yet we rarely voted the same. We both loved America and respected each other’s differences.

Hate is beating the hell out of love, thanks at least partially to the biased liberal cable networks.

Where have you gone Walter Cronkite, David Brinkley, Chet Huntley, and Peter Jennings? They were part of an era when journalism and personal bias did not mesh. Americans proved smart enough to see the difference, giving a man with more indictments than Al Capone, John Dillinger, Jessie James, Bonnie and Clyde, and Billy the Kid combined, four more years in the White House. And most of those indictments have already been dismissed.

Time will tell if we see any changes with the liberal cable news networks.

Gary Franks served three terms as U.S. representative for Connecticut’s 5th District. He was the first Black Republican elected to the House in nearly 60 years and New England’s first Black member of the House. Host: podcast “We Speak Frankly.” Author: “With God, For God, and For Country.” @GaryFranks/Tribune News Service


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