Minnesota Legislative races: House District 47B

House District 47B Rep. Ethan Cha, DFL-Woodbury, is seeking a second term. He faces Republican challenger Dwight Dorau. District 47B covers eastern and southern Woodbury.

General information about the Nov. 5, 2024, election is online at twincities.com/news/politics/elections including information on candidates for races in Ramsey, Dakota and Washington counties. To find out what’s on your ballot, where to vote and other election information, visit the Minnesota Secretary of State’s elections page at sos.state.mn.us/elections-voting.

Ethan Cha (did not respond to questionnaire)

Party: Democratic-Farmer-Labor

Dwight Dorau

Dwight Dorau. (Courtesy of the candidate)

Party: Republican

Age: 57

What would your top priorities be if elected?

So many Minnesotans are hurting financially, following years of record inflation and income not keeping up. My top priorities center around helping our seniors with eliminating the Social Security Income Tax as well as reducing the taxes on our lowest two income brackets, doubling Minnesota’s Child Tax Credits, and expanding the K-12 Education Credits to 18- to 35-year-olds as they struggle to afford rent, obtain mortgages, and purchase groceries and food. In addition, carbon-neutral 2040 provides the mandate, but not the path to get there, so I propose modernizing and expanding our nuclear power plants at Prairie Island and Monticello, something we must start now to meet the growing energy demands of our state as well as the carbon-neutral mandate. Finally, Woodbury’s water treatment programs to deal with the “forever chemicals” must be fully funded and I will always financially support those initiatives. At votefordwight.com voters can view my Contract with Minnesota which outlines these important initiatives, as well as others, such as school safety, tackling crime, and creating a better small business climate for economic growth and job creation.

What qualifies you to hold this position?

I’m a Minnesota native, a husband, a father, and a taxpayer. I am a 27-year retired Air Force officer and 3-time commander, with a strong record of successful leadership. I am currently an inner-city school teacher at St Paul Johnson Senior High School.

What do you think is the primary role of government?

According to the Minnesota Constitution, Article 1, Section 1, “Government is instituted for the security, benefit and protection of the people…” These are non-negotiable, and I will work hard to ensure our legislature is responsive to the needs of Minnesotans.

How do you work to understand, and then learn from, opinions that differ from your own and people who disagree with you?

As a teacher, I am surrounded by many points of view, and I enjoy engaging in regular in-depth conversations with colleagues regarding a variety of ideas. Just as my time in the Air Force taught me the value of many opinions formed through a wide variety of people who served alongside me, I will take that experience to the legislature. As a moderate, I can easily work with all sides and representatives from the other party to come to common-sense solutions to help our state. I strongly oppose the current legislature’s penchant to disregard the minority, and I will proactively demonstrate how all voices should be heard when I’m elected to the House.

Website or contact information: votefordwight.com/

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