Level 3 sex offender from Massachusetts sentenced to prison: ‘Deeply disturbing sex crimes aimed at children’

A local Level 3 sex offender who was previously convicted of indecent assault and battery on a child has been sentenced to a decade in prison for child pornography.

Cape man Jonathan Fleischmann, 37, has been sentenced by a Boston federal judge to 10 years in prison, followed by five years of supervised release. Fleischmann last year pleaded guilty to one count of possession of child pornography.

The Harwich man is a Level 3 sex offender due to prior convictions in Barnstable District Court of indecent assault and battery on a child under 14 in 2006 — as well as open and gross lewdness and possession of child pornography in 2017 for masturbating to child sexual abuse material in a Honey Dew Donuts parking lot.

Then in 2020, Fleischmann was charged in Barnstable Superior Court with home invasion, armed kidnapping and assault to rape for invading a Yarmouth home and forcibly taking a 16-year-old female at gunpoint into her house as she arrived home from school.

That investigation also revealed that Fleishmann had accessed a dark web hidden service on his phone dedicated to the trafficking of child pornography. He was later released in April 2021 on conditions including cash bail and GPS monitoring.

Fleischmann is prohibited from possessing digital devices due to his prior convictions.

“Despite his prior predatory behavior and the fact that he was already facing serious charges in state court – charges that involved ambushing and attempting to kidnap a young girl at gunpoint outside her home – this defendant continued to demonstrate a complete disregard for the safety and well-being of children by downloading hundreds of atrocious CSAM from the dark web,” said Massachusetts U.S. Attorney Leah Foley.

“Each image and video he viewed or shared re-victimized the real, vulnerable children depicted in them,” Foley added. “These crimes do not exist in a vacuum; they cause significant harm to the children and families affected.”

Law enforcement in March of 2023 was alerted that Fleischmann was downloading suspected child sexual abuse material media files onto a phone while at work in Brewster.

As the phone was left open and charging on a counter, Fleischmann’s co-workers saw media files in the process of downloading, with file names that were consistent with child pornography.

When approached by law enforcement at his residence later that day, Fleishmann initially denied owning the phone but eventually agreed to get it – retrieving it from a hidden spot beneath a bathroom sink.

A search of the phone revealed about 255 image files and 55 video files depicting child pornography – including files portraying child rape, sadistic or masochistic conduct and the abuse of infants or toddlers.

“Over and over, Fleischman committed deeply disturbing sex crimes aimed at children,” said Homeland Security Investigations New England Special Agent in Charge Michael Krol. “For years, he has been a threat to the community but after today’s sentence, he will be off the streets for a decade.

“Child sexual abuse material immortalizes the abuse of a child and those who download, trade, and possess CSAM are perpetuating the trauma those children experienced,” Krol added. “We are committed to protecting kids and seeking justice for those victimized through child exploitation.”

Fleischmann has remained in federal custody since his 2023 arrest in this case.

Last May, Fleischmann was sentenced to 12 years in state prison in connection with the Yarmouth home invasion.

Following Monday’s hearing, he was released into state custody to serve the 12-year state sentence, which will run concurrently with the federal sentence.

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