MnDOT announces statewide Name a Snowplow winners: ‘Anthony Sledwards,’ ‘I Came. I Thaw. I Conquered,’ among them

Eight winners emerged Wednesday from the Minnesota Department of Transportation’s Name a Snowplow contest after nearly 23,500 cast votes.

The winner for the Twin Cities snowplow is Anthony Sledwards, presumably in honor of Timberwolves star Anthony Edwards.

Other winners include We’re Off the See The Blizzard, Snowtorious B.I.G., Plowabunga!, You’re Welcome, Don’tcha Snow, Skol Plow and I Came, I Thaw, I Conquered.

“Anthony Sledwards is officially ready for Minnesota winter,” said Gov. Walz in a release. “And let’s remember it’s not just the plows, but the 1,600 Minnesota snowplow drivers who keep us safe and our roads cleared all winter long. A big thank you to those drivers and the Minnesotans who continue to demonstrate unrivaled creativity in naming our snowplows!”

Drivers should remember to slow down and give snowplow drivers space so they can safely do their jobs, said Nancy Daubenberger, MnDOT commissioner.

Minnesotans were invited to submit their snowplow name ideas in December. The department received more than 7,300 submissions, with most ideas submitted multiple times by multiple people. The list was narrowed down by staff to 50 finalists for the public to vote on.

This is the fifth annual Name a Snowplow contest hosted by MnDOT. Statewide, the department has so far named 44 snowplows, as well as helped name four other snowplows in acknowledgement of highways the state plows along tribal lands.

All 50 finalists can be found at

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