Letters to the editor
‘Garbage’ talk
Re: “Joe Biden’s trash talk more Dem ‘garbage’,” Oct. 31.
Wow! I don’t know that a president of the United States has ever so viciously demeaned and insulted more than one half of our nation. So much for Joe Biden’s much touted and self-proclaimed efforts to “unify” America and work with on both sides of the aisle. More than ever, we need to completely replace the poor and desperate “leadership” in Washington DC that is dividing this struggling nation. Please vote to save America.
Michael Pravica, Ph.D.
Kamala Harris is not well versed in the in’s and out’s of economics, nor am I and nor is Joe Biden. Politicians, especially the chronic type who derive a living from the government payroll, also derive their economic policy from experts, mostly in academia. Trump knows how to read a balance sheet and knows more economic lingo than I, Biden and Harris collectively. When I hear experts pontificate on such a dismal subject, one that confounds other experts just as expert as yours, I am perplexed and conclude only that if experts can differ so drastically, then perhaps we should, out of respect for their earnestness, hear them out and then distinguish among candidates on some more accurate measure.
Paul Bloustein
Cincinnati, Ohio
Job numbers
Let stop tossing around the “unemployment rate” as a credible bellwether for the economy. For one thing, it does not account for the second jobs people are working today, and for another, it completely ignores how the American labor participation rate is at the lowest rate since the Carter Years (62.6% in October 2024). So 4% of the 62.6% of able bodied Americans that will work are unemployed? That means the real rate is closer to 7%, along with the 8% inflation, which are again, Carter Era numbers.
Fitting, as Biden-Harris have brought the same malaise of the Carter years to all of our doors.
Nick McNulty
Windam NH
Election ahead
Nov. 5 is right around the corner and for sure I’m tired of all the name calling from both the Democrats and Republicans. A slip of the tongue causes immediate drama. There are many things to think about in that ballot box and for sure the two high priorities are illegal migrants and the economy. Forget about promises on both sides of changes in taxes because any tax changes have to go through Congress and Committee of Ways and Means. So that being said, hopefully we’ll all know who the next president will be on Nov. 6.
Tony Meschini