How closely did you follow the local news this week? Take our quiz and find out.
The Morning Report, our weekday newsletter, quizzes readers about our local news coverage on Fridays.
Answer these five questions and check your answers at the end of the article.
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Catalytic converter thefts are down in St. Paul. Police say reasons include:
A. New, dedicated alarms protect the converters.
B. The increased use of vehicle and home/business surveillance cameras act as deterrents.
C. New restrictions on the sale and transportation of detached catalytic converters are helping.
A philanthropist donated $2.5 million to the Battered Women’s Justice Project and $2 million to the Hmong American Partnership, both in St. Paul, it was announced on Monday. That donor is:
A. Mackenzie Scott
B. Jeff Bezos
C. Taylor Swift
A popular St. Paul marketplace is looking to expand into the suburbs.
A. The European Christmas Market at Lowertown.
B. Frogtown’s HmongTown Marketplace on Como Avenue.
C. The St. Paul Farmers’ Market.
The search for a new state flag continues. The finalists, winnowed down to three, all include this symbol of Minnesota:
A. A loon
B. A snowflake
C. A star
The Norway House Gingerbread Wonderland, on exhibit in Minneapolis through Jan. 7, is patterned after the original in what city?
A. Bergen, Norway
B. Trondheim, Norway
C. Oslo, Norway
Sunday: The correct answer is C: Catalytic converter thefts are down in St. Paul. Why? Police tell NIck Woltman that the reasons include new restrictions on the sale and transportation of detached catalytic converters. Here’s more on the downward trend.
Monday: The correct answer is A: Billionaire philanthropist MacKenzie Scott, the ex-wife of Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, has once again given millions to local nonprofits. Kristi Miller has details and reaction.
Tuesday: The correct answer is B: After 20 years, the founder of Frogtown’s HmongTown Marketplace on Como Avenue is looking forward to a major expansion. Frederick Melo’s report about a potential expansion into Maplewood was on Tuesday’s front page.
Wednesday: The correct answer is C: With its deadline at the end of the month, a panel tasked with finding new symbols for Minnesota has homed in on three flag designs and finalized a design for a new state seal. All three of the flag designs bear a single star, Alex Derosier reports.
Thursday: The correct answer is A: Norway House Gingerbread Wonderland is back for the ninth year in a row, bringing whimsy and family fun to the Twin Cities. The exhibit is inspired by the world’s largest gingerbread city exhibit in Bergen, Norway. Jess Fleming’s report from this week’s Eat section includes photos of the winning entries.
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