Active Joshua holds Tom Brady as a role model
Joshua is a friendly and active boy who wishes to meet Tom Brady and get his signature, play in the NFL, and live a happy life. His social worker describes him as bright, engaging, and extremely curious. Joshua loves sports, especially football and basketball. The legendary Tom Brady is one of his role models and he hopes to be a quarterback just like him one day.
He makes friends easily and is doing well in school, including participating in clubs. His favorite classes are computers and gym and he likes to read the Dog Man book series. A phrase he says represents him is “never give up, win or lose!”
His favorite season is spring, because it’s nice and warm. Justin Bieber is his favorite musical artist, and cheese is Josh’s favorite pizza topping. Joshua also likes to draw and watch scary movies.
Joshua has expressed that he would like a family with siblings and pets. He hopes that they will be a sport-loving family and will play football and basketball with him. Josh currently visits with his birth parents and would have visits after placement. Visiting resources will also be considered, as Josh will benefit from developing a relationship with a family prior to them becoming an adoptive placement.
To learn more about adoption from foster care visit www.mareinc.org . Massachusetts Adoption Resource Exchange (MARE) can give you guidance and information on the adoption process. Reach out today to find out all the ways you can help children and teens in foster care.