Curley: Progressives fear-monger over hoaxes and crazed hypotheticals

Progressives sure have an interesting sense of humor.

Look no further than Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal of Washington State.

The far-left progressive appeared on Joy Reid’s MSNBC show to discuss and criticize the right’s supposed fear-mongering over illegal immigration.

Joy Reid piggybacked off Jayapal’s point.

“Let me show you, this is one of the reasons that people have this sort of thinking,” she huffed.

She went on to list MSNBC, CNN and Fox’s respective headlines from Tuesday night.

“Our banner said, ‘Soon: Biden Announces Legal Protections for Undocumented Spouses of U.S. citizens.’ CNN’s banner said, ‘Biden Announces New Protections for Some Undocumented Spouses.’ Here was Fox’s banner. ‘Migrant arrested for raping 13-year-old in New York City.’”

The last headline — the one about the young girl raped in broad daylight by a 25-year-old illegal alien from Ecuador — caused Jayapal to break into laughter.

You read that right.

The wannabe Squad member giggled as Joy Reid read off the Fox News chyron.

As the clip made the rounds on social media, X users wanted to know which part of Fox News’ reporting on an illegal holding two 13-year-olds at machete point, raping the female and then recording it on his phone was funny to Jayapal.

I’m sure she will eventually try to explain her chuckle away. Maybe she can pull a page out of Biden’s book and claim the interview was a cheap fake. Or she can say the video was manipulated by Joy Reid’s homophobic time-traveling blog hacker. The possible list of excuses are endless.

One thing is certain though. Whenever progressives accuse conservatives of “fear mongering,” it just means that a handful of outlets are actually reporting real news.

The Cambridge dictionary defines fear mongering as “the action of intentionally trying to make people afraid of something when this is not necessary or reasonable.”

Whether it is Laken Riley or Rachel Morin or the 13-year-old rape victim in Queens, it is necessary and reasonable for conservative outlets to cover these senseless and savage crimes.

After all, networks like MSNBC and CNN are too busy trying to convince America that Joe Biden is splitting the atom behind closed doors to bother reporting on American citizens being raped or murdered by illegal immigrants.

It is one thing to ignore the open-border crime wave, it is another thing to shame the networks that report the news that is happening.

Additionally, the American people need to understand the consequences of electing a leader with a “compassionate” border policy.

Perhaps voters support their tax money being spent on converting recreation centers into migrant shelters, as long as it means there are no mean tweets in the White House.

It could be that voters are fine with ISIS-linked gotaways flooding through our porous border as long as Orange Man doesn’t get the chance to cut taxes again.

But the public deserves a press that is committed to informing them about these tragedies regardless of whether it makes the empathizer-in-chief look bad.

Ironically, while progressives like Reid and Jayapal downplay the horrors of unvetted illegal immigration, they have no problem hysterically fear-mongering about hoaxes and crazed hypotheticals.

Fox News’ Greg Gutfeld listed off all of the fake news stories that the left had no problem running with, including the Koi Pond hoax, the migrant kids in cages hoax, the “Don’t Say Gay” bill hoax, and of course the Russian Collusion hoax.

I guess fear-mongering is acceptable as long as its only about made-up BS.

When engineering anti-Trump fantasies doesn’t work, these self-involved morons start sounding the alarm about how Trump is going to come after them if he is re elected.

Just this week Chrissy Teigen told a podcaster that she is afraid Trump will target her if he won in November.

Later in the week, Joy Behar squawked to Rachel Maddow that she is terrified that Trump will use the IRS or other means to cancel The View. For once in my life, I hope Joy Behar is right.

Rachel Maddow, never one to pass up the chance to devolve into melodrama, agreed with Joy’s hysterical delusions, “Yes, I’m worried about me — but only as much as I’m worried about all of us.”

Rachel Maddow, a true heroine. Selfless… at $30 million a year for one night a week on-air.

These narcissistic propaganda pieces condescendingly dismiss the brutal rapes and murders of US citizens as conservative fear-mongering.

But when they are drumming up Trump-Derangement Syndrome porn for their lemmings and taking to their fainting couches over the former president putting them in jail?

Well, that is no laughing matter.

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