How to master a last-minute summer job search

Q. I’m in college and my summer internship fell through. Is this a thing? What should I do? I was counting on it.

A. I’m sorry to hear that. I’m not hearing about nixed internships as trending so perhaps this was one-off with the company’s situation that may have changed, so let’s focus on the solution. Don’t take it personally — one closed door can create an open window.

Companies may still have summer internships available, so check in with your career center on campus to see if their connections to companies that interviewed on campus have any last-minute openings.

Set up job alerts online and network with friends and recent grads, but in addition, think about other ways you can work this summer. Specifically, seasonal hiring typically needs workers — think local country clubs, hotels, restaurants and more. Even if your area of study isn’t hospitality, you can gain valuable skills that are applicable to countless professions such as customer service and communication skills, along with arriving on time, reporting to a boss, working hard, making connections and learning something new. All is not lost.

Q. Do I need to tell my boss I’m taking a mental health day when I put it on the calendar? My life feels like it’s spiraling completely out of control.

A. You shouldn’t feel compelled to share the reasons why you’re taking paid time off. It’s personal.

They may ask — that may be coming from a place of concern especially if they notice you appear to be distressed.

The most important aspect is that you’re taking care of yourself. You are a priority; you are more important than any job — something we should all keep in mind.

Your employer may have resources to tap into such as a supportive confidential hotline, benefits for therapists and more. For immediate support if you are in crisis, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255) or call/text 988, it’s a free, confidential 24-hour support line. Wishing you peace and healing thoughts.

Vicki Salemi is a career expert, former corporate recruiter, author, consultant, speaker, and career coach. Send your questions to For more information, visit and follow her on Twitter and Instagram @vickisalemi./Tribune News Service

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