Cain: Warren challenger targets practical solutions

My name is Ian Cain, and I am running to be your next U.S. Senator. I’m gay, I’m black, and I’m a Republican — and apparently that has confused some people.

I was born and raised in Massachusetts, I deeply understand the unique fabric of our state — a blend of American tradition and world-class innovation that sets us apart. My political journey is far less interesting than some might think. Realistically, I have been an independent voter for most of my life, voting for the best person for the job, not a letter next to their name.

My focus has been on spurring innovation, creating opportunities and solving complex problems. Having served on the Quincy City Council and as the founder of a technology startup incubator, I have seen firsthand the importance of practical solutions over political grandstanding. When you’re in the business of getting things done, political purity tests aren’t on your radar.

In 2016, I joined the Democratic Party because as my race and sexuality might hint, I thought I was supposed to. It didn’t take long for me to realize that I want nothing to do with today’s Democratic Party, and left after three years. I grew disillusioned with the party’s elite, arrogant donor class and its disregard for innovative ideas and individual agency. My experiences in the energy industry and as a minority and person of faith further distanced me from the party’s platform, which I found overly idealistic, unrepresentative of my values, and pandered to the loudest voices in the room.

Ultimately, I joined the Republican Party because — here in Massachusetts — it has shown itself to be the party open to ideas and debate, guided by the ideals and principles it was founded on, and led by the likes of Edward Brooke, Mitt Romney, Charlie Baker, and Jane Swift. I’m a proud Republican taking inspiration from their leadership.

Over the course of the campaign, you will hear me criticize the Republican Party just as often. Believe it or not, there are parts of the national Republican platform I wholeheartedly disagree with.

I’m running as a Republican because I believe that our greatest threats are solved with the core principles prescribed by a conservative agenda rooted in our nation’s foundation. Behind the noise and the national hysteria, the Republican Party is working towards a future of security, innovation, and opportunity that our state and our nation desperately needs.

We need a Senator who understands the necessity of robust and modernized infrastructure — not just roads and bridges, but also digital infrastructure that can support the next generation of technological advancements.

We need a Senator who understands that our living costs are skyrocketing — from heating homes to grocery bills — without corresponding wage growth. My aim is to address inflation head-on, ensuring that the middle-class dream is not just a relic of the past but a reality for our future.

We need a Senator that understands that security and prosperity go hand in hand. Our borders need sensible management that respects both our laws and our values as a welcoming society. The chaos of current border policies affects us here in Massachusetts, draining our state’s resources and having serious repercussions on our cities and towns forced to address the mismanagement of a border thousands of miles away.

My promise is to Massachusetts, not to a national political party. I will push past vitriol and gridlock and instead fight for pragmatic solutions and collaboration. I refuse to be constrained by traditional party politics, that is not what public service is about. I’m excited to make my case to the voters of Massachusetts that I am the best person for this job.

Ian Cain is a candidate for U.S. Senate

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