Boston’s 911 it’s your birthday alert
Boston Police responded to quite an unusual 911 alert early Thursday — an East Boston man’s birthday.
A police dispatcher received a call a little after midnight in which the “caller said he wanted someone to say ‘Happy birthday’ to him.”
The dispatcher connected to a unit to have officers do a well-being check. Officers Israel Bracho and Franklin Ortiz, who had just started their shift, decided they weren’t quite ready. They needed to pick up supplies along the way: a banana nut muffin and a collection of corkscrew birthday candles.
“I don’t know how old this guy is,” Officer Franklin Ortiz, at the wheel, said to Officer Israel Bracho as he held out the muffin to be decorated with the candles, “better use them all.”
“We greeted him with a cake and he was very happy to see it,” Bracho told the Herald later on Thursday.
It turned out the caller was Chris, who had just turned 25.
“You guys are too awesome!” Chris said excitedly after blowing out the candles following a rendition of “Happy Birthday” in his honor.
Bracho told the Herald that this was “probably one of the funnest calls” he had been on in his three years with the Boston Police Department, and that he would prefer happy calls like this “rather than some other ones.”
“Everyone has one birthday,” Bracho said. “Everyone deserves to feel special on that day.”