Editorial: Biden’s bumbling is Putin’s delight

The Democratic National Convention will be in Chicago Aug. 19-22. If Joe Biden isn’t booking next year’s vacation trips by then, the party must do it for him.

Somebody other than Biden must come out of that gathering as the nominee. The country is counting on Democrats to act before it’s too late. The theme of the DNC convention is “Our Future is Created Here.” So, how can an 81-year-old president be the leader of the future?

Besides Biden’s glaring deficiencies, the Democrats need to move away from him as fast as they can for the country’s sake — even before the Nov. 5 election.

Russia holds its election on March 17, where Vladimir Putin has just erased any obstacle with the death of dissident Alexei Navalny.

A weakened Biden staying in the race after the convention will further embolden Putin. It’s too risk to play Russian roulette with the world’s safety any longer. Putin is so out of control it’s time to show strength and Joe Biden is not that candidate.

The Republican National Convention is July 15-18 in Milwaukee, Wis. Nikki Haley announced yesterday she is staying in the race, possibly buffering herself from an anticipated loss this weekend in her home state primary with Donald Trump.

Still, she is smart to signal to the likes of Putin that the GOP has Trump and her as strong leaders to contend with.

Yes, Trump’s recent statements about NATO countries needing to pay their 2% or Russia “can do whatever the hell they want” was risky election-year political posturing that Sen. Lindsey Graham said is making that obligation “mean something.”

It was harsh, bordering on reckless, but that’s what voters like about Trump. He isn’t afraid to hit you between the eyes.

Biden? He’s just trying to survive another day.

It’s a dangerous look for the U.S. Now is not the time to appear weak.

Fox News quoted Joe Rogan yesterday as saying on his podcast, “If I had to guess, and it’s just speculation, I’d say they’re setting up Gavin Newsom for it.” Rogan sees it all going down at the August convention.

The New York Times floated the same scenario a few weekends ago.

The Biden mystique is evaporating. He has lost his fastball and is a threat to the nation.

He was once a savvy politician who could wiggle off the hook with the best of them, Bill Clinton style. Now you watch every speech wondering if this will be the day he loses it. “More and more” of Biden’s controversies are gaining traction, Rogan added.

Every slip-up is being magnified.

Bashing the GOP isn’t going to work and hoping the courts crush Trump is a bet the Democrats could lose badly.

If Newsom or Kamala Harris — Elizabeth Warren even — comes out of the convention the nominee, they are likely to lose to Trump or Haley.

But, and this is the key, the election will be spirited and the world will be watching what a real democracy is about.

“I refuse to quit. South Carolina will vote on Saturday. But on Sunday, I’ll still be running for president,” Haley said yesterday. “I’m not going anywhere. I’m campaigning every day, until the last person votes, because I believe in a better America and a brighter future for our kids.”

She was the U.N. ambassador, she knows Putin is in his lair counting his rubles and charting out his next conquest. The DNC needs to do us all a favor and throw off his timeline. Quickly.


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