Howie Carr: Tim Walz an imprecise ‘knucklehead’

It’s great to be a Democrat, isn’t it?

Every day we get a new lesson in double standards, and today’s poster boy is Tim Walz, the governor of Minnesota, who lies about absolutely everything.

But it’s okay, because… Democrats.

Yet another batch of his breathtakingly bold whoppers were exposed in the vice-presidential debate Tuesday night.

So this was the forgiving headline in yesterday’s online version of The Wall Street Journal:

“An Imprecise Biography Catches Up With Tim Walz.”

Imprecise. You got that? I always heard that if you were indicted by the feds for perjury, when you went into court you would have to plead either guilty or not guilty.

Now you can tell the judge, “I plead imprecise, Your Honor.”

The Wall Street Journal, increasingly woke, used a different headline in the print edition:

“Walz Vows To ‘Be Clearer’ Following His Misstatements.”

Can I suggest a more accurate headline?

“Walz Vows To ‘Stop Lying’ After He’s Caught Lying Again.”

The Democrat was destroyed in the debate by Sen. J.D. Vance, who became a U.S. senator last year. Walz is in his second term as governor, after 12 years as a Congressman.

Yet the Democrat operatives with press passes alibied that Walz was at a disadvantage, despite having both moderators cheerleading for him, because Vance is somehow a more experienced debater.

You know why Vance is more “experienced?” Because he doesn’t come from a one-party state. He had to run a gauntlet of smears and disinformation to win his first race in 2022. And the media, in Ohio and in D.C., never swooned over him and alibied for his every screw-up.

Vance had to earn his office, because he’s a Republican. Unlike Walz, he hasn’t had anything handed to him, on a silver platter.

Nobody in major media in Minnesota ever called Walz out, after all his coddling of BLM, and lying about the $250-million COVID fraud involving a Democrat scam called Feeding Our Future, not to mention his lies about his military service, his ties to the Red Chinese, his partial-birth abortion bill, his coaching career, his drunk-driving arrest, even how his children were conceived.

That’s a lot of imprecision in one biography. But it never mattered, not in Minnesota. Walz never even had to prepare for a debate, because the fix was in. He must have been shocked Tuesday night when Vance punched back.

As Greg Gutfeld noted:

“Walz was unprepared. But why was that his fault? Democrats don’t have to be prepared.”

Exactly. Because every one of their debates is three-on-one, more rigged than professional wrestling. It’s even less on the level in a one-party state like Minnesota, or for that matter Massachusetts.

Remember Mike Dukakis in 1988? He won the Democrat presidential primaries, and left the national convention in Atlanta with a 17-point lead. He went on what amounted to a three-week vacation in western Mass, because he figured that as the Democrat nominee, he’d automatically won the fight.

Dukakis mistook George H.W. Bush for Frank Hatch.

Likewise, Walz was not ready for prime time. But he didn’t know it. Do you think the Star-Tribune, a religious tract of the Democrat Farmer Labor party in Minnesota, ever told him what a stiff he was?

The guy is a knucklehead. That was his own description of himself, a knucklehead, which is unfair to the Three Stooges.

But Walz isn’t the only Democrat being fluffed by the mainstream media. How about Doug Emhoff, the spouse of Kamala Harris, the candidate for president?

On Sunday, Emhoff was on MSNBC for his close-up. Jen Psaki, a Democrat flack by trade, gushed to him how he’s “reshaping the perception of masculinity.”

He modestly agreed. “I’ve always been like this.”

Yes, I guess Doug has always been like this.

This is the guy whose first marriage broke up after he knocked up his kids’ nanny. He’s admitted that. Then he paid the nanny an NDA to shut up – didn’t Donald Trump get convicted of 34 felonies for doing exactly what Emhoff did?

The next day, the story broke – in a British newspaper, naturally, rather than in state-run American media – that in 2012, Emhoff had slapped around his then-friend at the Cannes Film Festival. This Democrat-on-Democrat crime occurred after a booze-fueled gathering of Beautiful People that included Harvey Weinstein, another masculinity reshaper and lifelong Democrat.

Hard to believe, because Jen Psaki described Doug Emhoff with “a pop-culture phrase, a wife guy.”

I’m not familiar with that phrase, a wife guy. Is it anything like another pop-culture phrase, wife beater?

The Emhoff domestic assault story got picked up by the New York Post and, er, that was about it. You may remember that same New York Post from the 2020 election – almost exactly four years ago the feisty tabloid broke the story about Hunter Biden’s laptop.

They didn’t get the Pulitzer Prize for their huge scoop. Instead the Post was instantly canceled across social media.

The laptop was branded as “Russian disinformation,” even though the FBI had had it for almost a year and knew full well that it was real. If the Post’s story hadn’t been suppressed, Trump probably would have won the election, no matter how many ballots the Democrats “harvested.”

But the Democrats want even more control.

They’d really like to get rid of the First Amendment once and for all, permanently, rather than have to deal with these inconvenient outbreaks of “disinformation” that almost always turn out to be true information, just like the Hunter Biden laptop.

John Forbes Kerry just fulminated at the World Economic Forum about the need to “curb” those ruffians who disagree with his crackpot cult. Kerry told his fellow cheese-eating surrender monkeys how “our First Amendment stands as a major block to be be able to just, you know, hammer it out of existence.”

“It,” in this case being free speech.

Meanwhile, since the debate debacle, Tim Walz has been running around the country, trying to defend his serial mendacity.

“I speak,” he whined, “like everybody else speaks.”

No, Governor, you don’t speak like everybody else speaks. You speak like a Democrat – like all Democrats speak. Look, everybody lies sometimes. But you people lie all the time, about everything, and you never get called out on it.

And I’m not being imprecise when I say that.

(Order Howie’s new book, “You Understand American?” at or

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