Letters to the editor

Biden’s record

I was struck by the recent editorial critiquing Vice President Kamala Harris’s stance on Joe Biden’s record (“Editorial: Running on Biden’s record not doing Harris any favors,” 7/25). The editorial doesn’t give due consideration to the energy policies of the two candidates.

Trump’s energy policy is simplistic: “Drill, baby, drill.” But would that really help us? The US is already pumping record amounts of oil, and oil companies calibrate their output to maintain profitable prices. The idea that producers would just pump more oil to lower prices is a fantasy.

What is more disturbing about Trump’s energy policy is his denial of human-caused climate change. At the first debate, he refused to say he would do anything about greenhouse gas emissions. Most Americans want the government to take action, but that won’t happen under Trump. On the contrary, he’ll reverse most of the progress made during the Biden administration.

Trump wants a world of extreme hurricanes, summer-long heatwaves, and flooded coastlines. He wants to allow China to own the global electric vehicle business. At 78 years old, he doesn’t seem to care about future generations who will have to deal with the consequences of his stubbornness. Voters should take all that into consideration.

Frederick Hewett


No thanks to Biden

As I read John J. Drew’s recent commentary (“An open letter of thanks  to President Biden,” July 22), I  had to wonder: Thanks for WHAT? Since assuming office, everything he’s touched has gone kaboom. He messed up our border, he’s ruined the economy and our voice in the world has been diminished. President Obama’s reaction to Biden dropping out of the 2024 race sounded insane. In what world is President Biden the most consequential president we have ever had?

For at least a year, it would appear that Biden has been on automatic pilot and the Democrats could no longer hide the truth from the American people.

We haven’t been on the right path in a while now. I say thanks for NOTHING to the current occupant of the Oval Office with several months to go before turning in the keys to the White House.

Finally, I agree with Boston Herald columnist  Howie Carr on Joe Biden, “The Worst. President. Ever.”

Sal Giarratani

East Boston

Independent watch

What two weeks can do to throw everything up for grabs. First the attempted assassination of Donald John Trump and then President Joseph Robinette Biden decides he will not run for a second term for president. This election on Nov. 5 is full of drama and the Independent voters will be a huge factor in the outcome of who will be president.

Tony Meschini




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