A record-setting number of Minnesotans signed up for 2025 MNsure plans, officials say

More than 167,000 Minnesotans signed up for 2025 health plans through the state’s official health insurance marketplace, officials announced Friday.

That number, 167,163, is the highest number of people to sign up for private health insurance plans since MNsure began more than a decade ago.

It is also a 14 percent increase over 2024 sign-ups, according to a news release Friday.

“I am extraordinarily proud of our work, together with our broker, navigator, and certified application counselor partners, to serve Minnesotans and help a record number find health insurance that meets their needs and budget,” said Libby Caulum, MNsure’s chief executive officer, noting that the state legislation to establish MNsure passed 12 years ago. “I’m so pleased to say that, since we were established, MNsure has helped tens of thousands of Minnesotans get comprehensive health insurance and save more than twice the amount state leaders had hoped for – over $2.3 billion in savings, to date.”

Although the open-enrollment period has ended, Minnesotans without health insurance who experience a major life event, such as getting married, having a baby or losing employer insurance can still be eligible, the news release noted. In addition, the deadline doesn’t apply to residents who qualify for Medical Assistance or MinnesotaCare, or members of federally recognized tribes, who can enroll in health insurance through MNsure any time of year.

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