MacKinnon: Trump running against Harris – and America’s ‘megaphones’

Every single day while former President Donald J. Trump is courageously on the road ducking assassination attempts while campaigning against Kamala Harris, he must also do battle with what I call the “five major megaphones” of our nation.  Those being: the media, academia, entertainment, science, and medicine.

Over the course of the last five decades, the left – via self-destructive indifference from many on the right as well as blatant discrimination from the left – have gained majority control over those “megaphones.”  Megaphones which have been used time and again to not only push the nation- and freedom-destroying narratives of the left, but worse, use their major platforms to censor needed facts and truths from the American people.

I again thought of the immense power those five megaphones have for good – and especially evil – because of two ongoing news stories.  The first being the Democrats, the liberal media, the far-left, and leftist leaders around the world attacking Elon Musk with a vengeance for daring to buy Twitter, rebranding it “X”, and making it crystal clear that he was against much of the censorship the left had been pushing and for free speech for some they opposed.

The next ongoing news story being that the FCC has seemingly “fast-tracked” far-left multibillionaire George Soros’s attempt to purchase over 200 radio stations in 40 markets within the United States reaching upwards of 165 million people.

As recently reported, Commissioner Brendan Carr, the senior Republican on the Federal Communications Commission, previously expressed concern about a Soros-backed group taking control of Audacy.  Said Carr in part during an interview with Laura Ingraham: “This Soros-backed group is looking to buy the second-largest radio station group in the country… some of them are in Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Florida…”   Anyone who has even remotely followed Soros knows pushing far-left agendas while censoring conservative thought is seemingly the major part of his DNA.

While countless Republicans and conservatives have complained about Soros and his far-left partisan activities for years, my answer to them is: “So what.  Put up or shut up.”  None of this is complicated.  While many ultra-wealthy conservative, Republican, and faith-based billionaires sit on the sidelines while whining about the state of our nation and the world, Soros has stepped up and put his money where his seemingly Marxist mouth is.

While these conservative billionaires do continually complain about their “disappearing country” many deliberately choose not to jump into that “Arena” made famous by Teddy Roosevelt in his 1910 “Man in the Arena” speech.  Roosevelt stressed in part: “It is not the critic who counts: not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena…”

Well guess what, Soros – and now his son – and so many other far-left multi-billionaires have jumped into that arena.  And for the most part, the only person looking back at them preparing to do battle is Elon Musk.

Two years ago, I authored a book titled: “The 56 – Liberty Lessons from those who risked all to sign The Declaration of Independence.”  The only purpose of that book was to protect our Founding Fathers from cancellation by the left.

While researching the book, I discovered that the vast majority of the wealthy back in the colonies around 1776 were loyalists to the tyrannical Crown. They did not want to rock the boat. They did not want their wealth or privilege threatened. They did not want to lose favor.

Those “billionaires” of that time were satisfied to take the silver and gold covered crumbs being swept off the tables owned by the Crown into their mouths while a few men of wealth – such as Thomas Jefferson, John Hancock, and Benjamin Franklin — stepped up to fight the fight they knew must be waged.

Why did Jefferson, Hancock, and Franklin step up?  Because they asked – and answered – the two most important questions of their lives.  “If not me, who?  If not now, when?”  Two questions, by the way, which propelled Trump to first run in 2016.

Between the various multimillionaires and billionaires who espouse conservative and faith-based values in our country today, collectively, they have over one trillion in wealth. Unfortunately, like many of the wealthy back in 1776, most seem content with the crumbs being swept into their mouths by the far-left CEOs and activists who control much of Big-Tech and other industries in our nation. They don’t want to rock the boat. They cowardly prefer that another person of enormous wealth jump onto the floor of that arena to fight the fight they avoid.

Elon Musk has answered the call and has jumped onto the floor of that arena.  But, again, he is greatly outnumbered.

And because he is, the “five major megaphones” of our nation remain firmly in control of the far-left.  But it does not have to be that way.  Ultra-wealthy conservatives, Republicans, and people of faith can take part of that trillion dollars and create their own universities; their own entertainment platforms; and their own news sites. They do have the power to level the playing field; protect free speech; and stop the cancel-culture. They simply need to exhibit the courage of our Founding Fathers, Musk, and Trump.

In the meantime, Trump is forced to wage his campaign against Harris and against those five major megaphones. One can only hope that the next Republican candidate gets a fairer playing field thanks to more wealthy conservatives jumping onto the floor of that arena.

Douglas MacKinnon is a former White House and Pentagon official and author of the book “The 56 – Liberty Lessons from those who risked all to sign The Declaration of Independence.”  

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