Massachusetts trooper death: Latino law enforcement group urges transparency

An association of Latino law enforcement officers is calling for complete transparency in the investigation into the death of Massachusetts State Police recruit Enrique Delgado-Garcia.

“It is vital that David Meier, the Attorney General’s appointment, conduct an independent investigation that is thorough and transparent. It is just as important that the MA State Police be transparent during this time as our communities express their concerns,” the Latino Law Enforcement Group of Boston wrote in an open letter to Gov. Maura Healey, Lt. Gov. Kim Driscoll, Attorney General Andrea Campbell and Secretary of Public Safety and Security Terence Reidy distributed Friday.

“As a law enforcement organization that is composed of both community members and officers it is incumbent on us to work through this tragedy with our community together,” LLEGO’s letter continued. “It is important for all agencies across Massachusetts to evolve with new generations and reassess practices to ensure all recruits complete their academies.”

Delgado-Garcia died earlier this month from injuries suffered during what the MSP said was a boxing training exercise. The ACLU described his injuries as “incredibly severe, including damage to his brain, a broken neck, and missing teeth.”

His move to the MSP came in April after a year and a half serving as a victim witness advocate in the Worcester District Attorney’s office.

“Enrique by all accounts was a healthy 25 year old man who was dedicated to giving back and keeping his community safe,” LLEGO wrote. The letter later added, “As we attempt to move through this time, we remind all law enforcement agencies that our communities depend on us to keep them safe and we depend on each other. Let’s ensure that we come together in honor of Enrique and grow the trust that is needed from our communities.”

Investigation into Delgado-Garcia’s death was slow moving. Since his death occurred at the academy in New Braintree, the investigation fell under the Worcester DA’s jurisdiction. DA Joseph Early Jr., however, quickly announced his office was recusing itself since Delgado-Garcia had worked there and added that he didn’t believe it should be handled by any other county’s DA office.

Finally, on Monday, state AG Campbell announced the appointment of former Suffolk County prosecutor Meier as the special investigator.

“The investigation into Trooper Delgado-Garcia’s death will be undertaken professionally, thoroughly, and responsibly,” Meier said in a statement. “The Delgado-Garcia family, their community, and the public have been waiting patiently. It is now time to get to work.”

Complete open letter

Dear Honorable Governor Maura Healy,

Honorable Lt. Governor Kim Driscoll,

Honorable Attorney General Andrea Campbell and,

Secretary Terrence Reidy

When a community member is suddenly lost the impact of their loss ripples across, families, friends, communities, and institutions. Nearly two weeks ago Enrique Delgado Garcia tragically lost his life as a result of training exercises at the MA State Police Academy. Our deepest condolences are extended to Enriques family and friends as they process this sudden loss.

As a law enforcement organization that is composed of both community members and officers it is incumbent on us to work through this tragedy with our community together.

Enrique by all accounts was a healthy 25 year old man who was dedicated to giving back and keeping his community safe. His career of civil service through the district attorney’s office and willingness to enter MA State Police Academy shows that he was ready to lead and make a difference.

It is vital that David Meier, the Attorney General’s appointment, conduct an independent investigation that is thorough and transparent. It is just as important that the MA State Police be transparent during this time as our communities express their concerns. It is important for all agencies across Massachusetts to evolve with new generations and reassess practices to ensure all recruits complete their academies.

When we created our Pre Academy Training Program the intentions were to ensure that our students were academically, physically, and mentally prepared for the rigors of any police academy. We’ve focused our efforts through programming on diversifying police departments across Massachusetts. We live in a time where recruitment and retention of officers across the country has been its most difficult especially women and officers of color. As law enforcement we must be committed to embrace change and inclusivity. It is essential that we maintain public trust so that we can continue to have community members of all demographics consider careers in law enforcement.

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We understand that as an officer, especially a State Trooper, being prepared for a worst case scenario is without question the most important part of defensive training as many times officers in rural areas do not have the luxury of having backup seconds or even minutes away. However, during these training it is extremely important to be aware of a recruit’s abilities and or limitations. As officers there is an obligation to intervene when someone is in need. We can not allow this to occur again.

We are saddened and disappointed by the loss of Enrique Delgado Garcia. As we attempt to move through this time, we remind all law enforcement agencies that our communities depend on us to keep them safe and we depend on each other. Let’s ensure that we come together in honor of Enrique and grow the trust that is needed from our communities.

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