Pavel Durov’s ‘ex-partner’ insists part of Telegram should belong to her
Irina Bolgar contends that she should be considered a partial owner of the messaging platform despite never being married to its CEO A woman who...
Swing-state court fights flare over voting rules before election
Zoe Tillman | (TNS) Bloomberg News Judges are racing to resolve fights — many in swing states — over how Americans will cast ballots and...
Swing-state court fights flare over voting rules before election
Zoe Tillman | (TNS) Bloomberg News Judges are racing to resolve fights — many in swing states — over how Americans will cast ballots and...
Instagram rolls out restrictive new privacy settings for teenagers
Kurt Wagner, Aisha Counts | Bloomberg News (TNS) Instagram is changing the default privacy settings for many U.S. teenagers, part of an effort to keep them safer...
Swing-state TV viewership surged for the Trump-Harris debate
Hannah Miller | (TNS) Bloomberg News The Kamala Harris-Donald Trump debate sparked big increases in TV viewership in seven states that are likely to decide...
Swing-state TV viewership surged for the Trump-Harris debate
Hannah Miller | (TNS) Bloomberg News The Kamala Harris-Donald Trump debate sparked big increases in TV viewership in seven states that are likely to decide...