Tate: Boston can’t afford 4 years of Kamala Harris

Communities “selected” to shelter migrants, whether they want to or not. Homeless drug addicts wandering around Downtown Boston. Gun violence on city streets. Militant antisemitic protesters blocking public areas.

Make no mistake: The problems plaguing Boston and its residents would get markedly worse during four years of a Kamala Harris Administration. The prospect of failed local policies combining with Joe Biden’s legacy on steroids would lead to one of the largest exoduses in Boston’s history. For many residents, the city’s current struggles with crime and migrants are near a breaking point and the wrong move in November could be the sign to leave.

Harris’ choice of Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz as her running mate is a key signal that her potential administration intends to be the furthest left in American history. By pandering to the Democratic Party’s progressive base, she is indicating an intent to double down on policies that have already deteriorated aspects of cities like Boston.

Those who traveled through Logan Airport in the last year likely saw blocked-off terminals filled with sleeping migrants. As the Biden Administration’s “border czar,” Harris allowed some 10 million illegal immigrants to enter the country since 2021. Tens of thousands of them came to Massachusetts. Last year saw the highest rate of border crossings in our history; imagine how dire the situation will be by 2029.

As immigrants pour into the country, including Boston, the vice president claims she will solve the migrant crisis as president. Hilariously, her campaign is releasing ads that portray her as a border hawk compared to Trump. But Harris’s actual record is the best indication of what would happen.

The ongoing crisis represents a ticking time bomb for Massachusetts’ budget and social fabric. In FY 2024 alone, the state has spent more than $584 million on apartments and sheltering for migrant families and other “unhoused people.”

There are further downstream effects of the migrant crisis. Schools must accommodate new non-English speaking students, while hospitals are stretched due to the increasing migrant population. Reports of crimes committed by migrants and arrests by ICE officers of alleged gang members and child rapists are becoming commonplace headlines.

A Harris Administration would also be a disaster for Boston’s housing market. Clean energy mandates, low-income housing requirements, and other regulations from DC also help to increase the cost of housing. The median single-family home in Massachusetts is now more than $600,000. Single-bedroom apartments in Boston are the third-most expensive in the country. Increasing housing costs caused up to a fifth of the state’s population to consider leaving. Harris will likely take up President Joe Biden’s rent control proposal, which would further increase costs.

There’s little comfort in Harris’ running mate Tim Walz. His weak leadership as Minnesota governor during the George Floyd riots led to arsonists and looters destroying nearly 200 buildings in the Minneapolis-Saint Paul area. Rioters overtook a Minneapolis Police Department and burned it down. Only 17 people had faced criminal charges for the widespread destruction. Adding Walz’s influence to a potential Harris administration would only add to the issues facing Massachusetts residents.

Electing prime backers of anti-police sentiments during the Great Awokening will set the tone for the rest of the country. Boston lawmakers attempted to slash funding for the police just last year. The city cut $10 million from the police budget in 2020. Boston has already suffered due to the mistakes of its local government. Changes in grant funding under a Harris administration could see less money for cops on the beat.

The lax views of law enforcement and the hard left’s embrace of pro-Hamas radicals also mean disorder on the street will be more of the norm and not just limited to college campuses. Harris’ support for restricting Israel could give a green light to Hamas sympathizers to cause mayhem in Boston as they have in New York. Do you think that Hamas supporters would feel more emboldened by having Trump or Harris in the White House?

I have few illusions that any level of illegal migration, homelessness, or crime will push Bostonians to vote for Donald Trump. But make no mistake: the city would feel the very real effects of having four years of Joe Biden-but-worse in the White House.

Should the country choose Kamala Harris in November, Boston will likely face one of its worst moments in its modern history. As far-left policies spark crime, drug use, and increased costs, Bostonians can’t say that they weren’t warned.

Kristin Tate is a political columnist and author based in Massachusetts. Her latest book is “The Liberal Invasion of Red State America.” Follow her on X @KristinBTate.


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