Carr: No license, no problem: Alleged Cape speeder had the ‘Claw’ on his side

Is the cost of your automobile insurance going up or down?

Of course it’s going up, up and away – even more out of control than prices at the grocery store or gas station.

Some of it is just general inflation, or supply-chain problems. And of course, the proliferation of EVs. It used to be, you ran over a pothole and it wrecked your tire. Cost you maybe a few hundred bucks.

Now I’ve heard about potholes that have wrecked EV batteries — $13,000 to replace.

But shouldn’t our insurance rates still be coming down, with all the illegals getting drivers’ licenses over the past year?

In 2022, weren’t all the Democrats on Beacon Hill and their state-run media telling us that if only illegal aliens were allowed to get drivers’ licenses, everything would be swell.

The illegals would all buy insurance.

They would get their low-riders registered and inspected. No more hit-and-runs, either.

We were assured that giving illegals the right to get drivers licenses was something that all “stakeholders” (which in this context meant illegal aliens on welfare) agreed was the right thing to do.

For all the usual reasons. For equity. For the children….

A year later, a lot of the foreign freeloaders have gotten drivers’ licenses. But not all. You see, you must pay to get a driver’s license, and that’s something most illegal aliens are totally allergic to. At the flophouses where they live, everything is on the arm.

And if they need anything that’s not delivered to them directly, they can just call an Uber (on our dime) and head over to the nearest CVS, or somewhere, and shoplift to their heart’s content, knowing they will never be prosecuted because… Democrats.

So we still have endless hit-and-runs, and citations for operating without a license, etc. etc. And guess whose car insurance continues to spiral. Got a mirror?

Here’s one from Monday night, from the Barnstable Police Department. According to his incident, Officer David J. Ragucci responded to a call for a motor-vehicle accident near Keyes Beach and “observed multiple pedestrians running towards my cruiser frantically pointing down Gosnold Street.”

Frantically? Just another night of celebrating diversity in the Commonwealth.

The frantic Americans told the cops that they had seen a 2012 black Ford Fusion careening wildly down the street towards the beach at speeds of up to 90 miles per hour.

Ninety miles an hour, in a “thickly settled” residential neighborhood, “including juveniles on bicycles.” But the kids were just Americanos – what did the undocumented Democrats care?

The next clue that “newcomers” were in the area?

“A case of White Claw alcoholic beverages that appeared to be freshly discarded on the side of the road.”

White Claw? Shouldn’t that have been Claws of Color?

When cops arrived, the vehicle was still running. But its bumper was gone, both rear tires were flat, the muffler was loose and the entire vehicle was covered with leaves and branches from the assorted crashes into trees.

According to the police report, “a large debris field was observed on the property.”

Two “Hyannis men” were standing beside their wrecked car and Ragucci detected, wouldn’t you just know it, “a strong odor of an alcoholic beverage.”

The driver was identified as one German Vergara Estrella, age 28. He did not have a driver’s license. The owner of the wrecked vehicle was Jose Pasten. Jose’s Ford was, Barnstable police quickly determined, both unregistered and uninsured.

Stop me if you’ve heard this one before.

“Due to language barrier concerns,” Ragucci wrote, “(cops) used the Language Line we use for translation.”

The Language Line! Not so long ago, having a translator app would have been considered somewhat exotic by most Massachusetts first responders. Now it’s like a MasterCard.

Don’t leave home without it!

“German advised me he was sorry for what had transpired that evening.”

And I’m sorry he and so many millions of his amigos are in this country, ruining it.

“While speaking with German, he acknowledged several times that he did not have a license.”

Of course there is nothing in the police report to indicate the nationality of German. But I’ll go out on a limb and say that German is not German.

“German showed tremendous disregard for public safety as he appeared to operate a motor vehicle without a license at a high rate a speed through a thickly settled residential neighborhood, causing property damage and subsequently fleeing the scene.”

But… but… I thought there won’t going to be any more hit-and-runs after we allowed the Third World criminals to carry a drivers’ license.

Some illegals have obtained drivers’ licenses. And whether they’re trying to or not, many of the undocumented Democrats are apparently also getting registered to vote.

Sen. Peter Durant, R-Spencer, has been researching new voter registrations from the addresses of hotels that the state has turned into flophouses for the foreign freeloaders.

Perhaps not all the new registrations at these addresses are from illegal aliens. But the vast majority of those at these fleabag hotels are illegals. And wouldn’t the native-born homeless already have drivers’ licenses?

In the city of Worcester, Durant found, there are 98 newly registered voters from the illegal-alien flophouses. In Lowell, 72.

In response to Durant’s requests, some cities revealed just how the new voters were registered.

In Salem, for instance, 31 new voters were automatically registered through the Registry of Motor Vehicles. In Taunton, 11 of the 15 voters registered from the former Clarion Hotel came from the RMV.

Durant only got responses from 29 of the state’s 351 municipalities, but he still found 507 new voter registrations. This is a blue state, and it’s not going to swing the election. But think about all those other states. In Virginia, they’ve excised more than 6000 illegals from their voter rolls, in Alabama over 3000.

So maybe in one way it’s good news that the illegals aren’t bothering to get drivers’ licenses, since that makes it easier for them to vote illegally for the party that supports rampant crime and welfare dependency.

By the way, German was arrested that night. I wonder if he plans to vote in November, and if so, who is candidate is. I have a feeling I know, but I’ll never know – not unless I invest in a Language Line.

(Pre-order Howie’s new book, “You Understand American?” at

According to registration data, 11 of the 15 voters registered from the former Clarion Hotel in Taunton came from the RMV. (Stuart Cahill/Boston Herald, File)

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