Julia Imai, Morgan Smith to battle for 121st Massachusetts Women’s Amateur title

After thrilling semifinal matches at the 121st Massachusetts Women’s Amateur Championship, the final is set.

It will be Julia Imai of KOHR Golf vs. Morgan Smith of Mt. Pleasant Golf Club.

Smith, the 20-year-old 2022 champion, advanced to the final after a tense 20-hole battle with her sister Molly, 19. The all-sister showdown went to the second extra hole before Morgan Smith, soon to begin her first season at the University of Georgia, advanced.

The Smiths had been the dominant players in the field when it switched to match play on Wednesday. Morgan Smith and Imai will play for the title Friday in an 18-hole duel at Taconic Golf Club.

Imai advanced with a tough 2 and 1 win over Costello, who earned medalist honors with brilliant back-to-back 69 scores.

The match was tied going into the sixth hole when Imai took control, winning holes No. 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10. Costello tried to rally, collecting holes 11-13, but Ima settled down and ended the match on No. 17.

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