Fringe review: ‘Turn Your Suck Into Suckcess’ is a spot-on satire that’ll inspire you to, well, suck less
Must see
Kara Millerhagen is delightfully kooky as pink-haired Eileen Pearl (“poyyel,” in her cartoonish Jersey accent), a wannabe-Broadway star turned corporate motivational speaker. “Turn Your Suck into Suckcess!” — structured as a work conference keynote, complete with pitch-perfect low-production-value PowerPoint — effectively and enjoyably satirizes self-help gurus peddling vapid advice on unclear qualifications. Some of the musical numbers are overlong, and the show drags a bit toward the end — which, when it comes, feels abrupt and somewhat inconclusive. But almost despite itself, the advice the show offers is astute, and only a talent like Millerhagen can make you crack up while realizing you, probably, suck.
Presented by Kara Millerhagen at Mixed Blood Theatre; 10 p.m. Aug. 6, 5:30 p.m. Aug. 9, 7 p.m. Aug. 10
Still trying to decide what to see? Check out all our Fringe reviews at, with each show rated on a scale of Must See, Worth Considering, Could Be Worse or You Can Skip.
The Minnesota Fringe Festival is presenting more than 100 hourlong stage acts from Aug. 1–11 around Minneapolis. Visit for ticket and show information.
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