Franks: If not mentally fit, Biden must go now

We have all seen the warning signs per President Joe Biden’s mental acuity.

Ironically, Biden’s mental acuity could be the “quintessential threat” to our democracy. A recent CBS poll stated that 72% of Americans feel he is not mentally fit to be president.

But that means nothing to today’s Democratic leaders, who operate according to the get-Trump-at-all-costs principle. And it is that “at all costs” part, an obsession, that also makes Democrats a quintessential threat to our democracy.

Regrettably, Democrats refuse to even think about invoking the 25th Constitutional amendment to immediately remove Biden as president. Republicans should not give the Democrats a pass on this matter, nor should a fair and objective media. It is especially important to the nation. We must know definitively if Biden should go now for the good of America.

Biden not only failed to show cognitive fitness during his debate with former President Donald Trump for millions to see, but he also failed to show strong mental acuity in nearly every other subsequent opportunity to correct the course.

Reading 10-15 minutes from a teleprompter once or twice a week does not cut it. During an ABC interview, Biden could not recall if he had viewed his debate performance.

We need to see further proof of Biden’s cognitive condition. We need to see the video deposition that is currently being withheld by Attorney General Merrick Garland. The video was the primary reason Biden was not indicted for mishandling classified documents as president.

If Biden was deemed incapable of being indicted because of his mental acuity and age, why should we trust him to be our president? Show us the video of his deposition. Instead, Democrats prefer to cover up the truth while leaving America in a precarious position.

If the American people are allowed to see the deposition and they conclude Biden is mentally impaired, all those individuals, starting with Vice President Kamala Harris, should be condemned for lying to the American people. All those complicit would no longer have any credibility.

Just weeks ago, Democratic leaders like Harris said, “Biden was sharper than ever.” Others added, “He had a bad night (per the debate)” – in a valiant attempt to hoodwink America.

Let us remember, once upon a time, Democrats were fighting for Biden to remain as their presidential candidate. Now, they are praising Biden for leaving the race. After such schizophrenic behavior, Democrats say Republicans are a “threat to our democracy?” Really?

Biden refused to tell us why he is stepping down other than to say that he is “passing the torch.” We are not stupid. Mr. President, give us an answer. We deserve one.

If it is concluded that Biden is not mentally fit to be president, Joe must go now.

Gary Franks served three terms as U.S. representative for Connecticut’s 5th District. He was the first Black Republican elected to the House in nearly 60 years and New England’s first Black member of the House. Host: podcast “We Speak Frankly.” /Tribune News Service

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