Lucas: Dems right to wonder if they’ve become ‘useful idiots’

No, Benjamin Netanyahu did not call Democrats “useful idiots” in his fiery speech before Congress last week.

It is just that some Democrats thought he did.

The Israeli prime minister had in mind the Iranian backed anti-Israeli, pro-Palestinians, pro-Hamas demonstrators who invaded Washington last Wednesday to protest his appearance.

In a scene the mullahs in Tehran could not have coordinated any better, masked pro-Hamas demonstrators burned the American flag and defaced public monuments while Netanyahu spoke.

They also lowered American flags from three flagpoles outside of Union Station and replaced them with Palestinian flags while brawling with the police.

“I have message for these protesters,” Netanyahu said. “When the tyrants of Tehran, who hang gays from cranes and murder women for not covering their hair, are praising, promoting and funding you–you have officially become Iran’s useful idiots.”

Netanyahu, to be clear, was not talking about the delegates to the Democrat Party convention, although they qualify.

That is because these delegates, which were committed to Joe Biden, have been ordered by the Democrat Party bosses to support Harris’ presidential candidacy even though she did not run for the job, and became a candidate only after Joe Biden faded away.

Talk about a dictatorship. Good Democrats do what they are told to do.

These are the same delegates who will rubber stamp Harris’s nomination for president at the August convention—or before–while locking out other potential candidates, despite her not receiving a single presidential primary vote.

The 14 million or so Democrats who voted in the primaries for Joe Biden have, in effect, had their votes nullified.

The Democrat National Committee has also changed the nominating rules to make it almost impossible for any another Democrat candidate—if there were one—to successfully challenge Harris.

So, Harris will not only win the Democrat Party nomination for president without a single citizen voting for her in a primary, but she will also be coronated.

And the delegates voting for her will chant and cheer like the useful idiots did outside Congress and the White House.

What is sadder is that the political demise of Joe Biden and the coronation of Harris is taking place under the guise of “saving our democracy.”

It is like in Vietnam where, in the jargon of the time, “We had to destroy the village in order to save it.”

Democrats, to be fair, are not in the process of completely destroying democracy. They are just giving it a good beating while accusing Donald Trump of the crime.

Biden said as much in his pathetic—and deceitful—speech from the Oval Office Wednesday night in which he pretended that he was foregoing personal ambition by not running again, to “save our democracy.”

That, coming from a president who could not even save his own campaign, was a stretch.

He merited a second term, he said, adding, “But nothing, nothing can come in the way of saving our democracy. That includes personal ambition.”

The truth is that he was forced to drop out as a candidate by the Nancy Pelosi/Barack Obama political machine because he was so far down in the polls—and bringing other Democrats down with him—that he could not win.

He was sick, tired and old, and it showed. But he was wily enough to choose his successor even though he is not a king or a dictator.

The interesting thing about it all is that both Biden and the fellow Democrats who brought him down, prevailed upon the useful idiots of the Democrat Party to support Harris and exclude all other potential candidates from the democrat process of choosing a president.

It was done to “save our democracy.”

While Democrats attempted to paint Biden as the noble warrior falling on his sword for the good of the nation, it was more like Pelosi and Obama battered him over the head with it.

Poor Joe. He should have kept his friends close and his enemies closer. He never knew what hit him.

But democracy was saved.

Peter Lucas is a veteran political reporter. Email him at:

A demonstrator is taken into custody as they protest the visit of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Capitol Hill, Wednesday, July 24, 2024, in Washington. (AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana)

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