Letters to the editor

Assassination attempt

What would possess a 20-year-old person to attempt to assassinate a former president? Political ideology. And that is what the Democrats have been spewing for years. So please spare us your false tears for the former and future President Trump. Now Democrats are providing lip service for the attempted assassination of former President Trump. Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren and the rest of the congressional representatives have demonized the former president for the last 8 years.

Democratic Congresswoman Maxine Waters has publicly stated she would “take Trump out.” The media has done more to demonize Trump by pushing a false political narrative about the former president, all in the name of protecting democracy, AKA Democrats .

I remember a time when a threat of violence against a Democrat or Republican congressman, senator or president earned you a visit by the FBI.  Now only Republicans are being investigated and prosecuted while Democrats from Joe Biden down continue their campaign that Trump is a threat to democracy.

Again democracy is Democratic narrative, America is a not a democracy it’s a Republic which Democrats should take note.

Mark Howland


Secret Service

The Secret Service definitely dropped the ball at former President Donald John Trump’s rally at Butler, Pennsylvania. Congress has a whole lot of questions to ask Secret Service Director Kimberly A. Cheatle who reports to Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas. Oh, by the way, Mayorkas also oversees Border Security and Enforcement.

Tony Meschini



I am outraged at the recent U.S. Supreme Court decision allowing cities to outlaw homelessness (people sleeping outdoors) without solving it. People don’t choose homelessness as a lifestyle; it is symptom of the underlying problem of skyrocketing housing costs and increasing poverty.

By criminalizing poverty, this decision will exacerbate the problem without providing solutions. Instead of forcing people into jail cells or pushing them on to other communities, we should be investing in services that help people find a place to live. We should be throwing them a lifeline, not cutting the thread they are hanging by.

This decision demands congressional action. Congress must take immediate action to protect those among us experiencing homelessness and address the fact that rent is unaffordable for most Americans. Enacting a renter tax credit that offsets the high cost of rent is a good place to start.

This horrendous Supreme Court decision should be the catalyst for Congress to finally act on America’s housing crisis. We the people must demand it.

William Deignan


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