Battenfeld: Panicked Democrats openly plot to depose Biden after disastrous debate

With a panicked Democratic Party in full revolt after Joe Biden’s disastrous debate performance, a stubborn Jill Biden clinging to power may be the only thing standing in the way of the president dropping out.

Desperate Democrats – even Biden’s most loyal, ardent supporters – not so quietly gathered to come up with a plan to depose him after the debate all but crippled the president’s re-election hopes.

The once unthinkable plan to get Biden out is already in motion as Democrats privately and publicly assess the damage from the televised showdown with Donald Trump.

About the only Democrat not talking about replacing Joe Biden was Jill Biden, the president’s loyal wife and chief enabler.

“Joe, you did such a great job,” Mrs. Biden gushed after the debate, speaking to her husband like he was a 2-year-old. “You answered every question, you knew all the facts.”

This despite the Democratic Party meltdown and near unanimous agreement that Biden did grave damage to his campaign with his stumbling performance.

A stricken Biden, with his mouth agape, repeatedly forgot his answers and mumbled and whispered his way through the questions even from a Democrat-favorable moderator panel from CNN.

“We finally beat Medicare,” Biden said inexplicably after losing his train of thought.

Just 13 minutes into the debate, even Trump seemed startled about how badly Biden was struggling.

“I really don’t know what he said at the end of that sentence,” Trump said after Biden tried to explain his immigration policies. “I don’t think he knows what he said, either.”

If Biden was this bad in a debate rigged in his favor, imagine how he’ll be without the protections offered by the network. The next debate is not scheduled until September.

Democrats are now in a serious pickle. Their strategy to handcuff Trump and tie him up in court has fallen apart because their candidate is too flawed. Even if the party convinces Biden to step aside, they’re left with an unpopular Vice President Kamala Harris as the next in line. It’s going to be difficult to push Harris aside unless Democrats recruit someone like Michelle Obama.

Democrats may have to play hardball with her and her husband by threatening to invoke the 25th amendment to replace Biden.

But Jill Biden – not Harris or Hillary Clinton – now stands as the major obstacle to Democratic elders going to plan B and finding a new candidate before the August convention seals the deal.

The attempt to keep the diminished 81-year-old president in power exposes the brutality of politics – this from a party that claims to be the party of morals and ethics.

Even the Democratic president’s most loyal, ardent supporters saw how feeble he was during the debate, but Jill has the blinders on.

It’s gone beyond just a wife supporting her husband, it’s an obsession with keeping power that’s propping Biden up now.

If Biden hangs in, it will only be because of Jill.

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