Letters to the editor

Laudable Lucas

One of the Boston Herald’s treasures is Peter Lucas.  I believe that he and I share the same generation – so when he recalls events from the past, I can easily relate.  A couple of recent columns were especially enjoyable to read – the piece about Governor Healey and Mayor Wu at the Vatican for the Pope’s climate event and Peter’s Pope-viewing from Saint Peter’s Square soon after World War II and his encounter with a less than saintly person offering to sell him rosary beads.  When Peter showed no interest, the character offered a pistol for sale. His column comparing the anti-Catholicism that John F. Kennedy faced in his 1960 presidential campaign with the antisemitism on today’s college campuses brought back memories from my youth.

Harry Hawkes


Oil release

President Biden is releasing a million barrels of gasoline supplies from the Strategic Oil Reserve to lower gas prices which are high because of his energy policies.

In doing so he is putting his re-election ahead of national security by depleting the Strategic Oil Reserves which are set aside should a National Emergency arise.

This is not the first time he has done this but no one should be surprised as he continues to play the public for fools thinking they cannot see through his intent… “Anything to Win.”

Paul Quaglia


Biden pandering

The Herald’s editorial about Biden’s willingness to buy votes should anger more people than please the few who benefit from his pandering.  He is willing to release 1 million gallons of oil from our strategic reserves to mask the high price of gasoline during the summer.  He forgives billions of dollars in student loans so taxpayers foot the bill for students who attended college. The art of deception is Biden’s calling card.

Donald Houghton

Education & equity

“Grading for equity” is yet another sad experiment of dumbing down our educational system instead of encouraging and inspiring our students to work hard to be the best possible students they can be by realizing their potential. This will only harm the ability of kids to solve real problems which have nothing to do with equity but rather the brutality of nature where only the fittest survive.

Instead of demotivating our students from working hard and pretending that they can’t learn (which is racist), we need to instill a respect for education within families and communities.  Without a proper education, our children will not be prepared for the future.

Michael Pravica, Ph.D.




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