How credit cards can help you cope with travel troubles
Ted Rossman | (TNS) “Revenge travel” has been a big theme the past couple of years as Americans have been raring to go here,...
Mortgage rate forecast for May 2024: No break for homebuyers
Jeff Ostrowski | (TNS) As homebuyers grapple with record prices this spring, mortgage rates have also crept up. On a 30-year fixed loan, the average rate...
Mortgage rate forecast for May 2024: No break for homebuyers
As homebuyers grapple with record prices this spring, mortgage rates have also crept up. On a 30-year fixed loan, the average rate was 7.39% as of May...
Mandatory reporting laws meant to protect children get another look
Kristin Jones | KFF Health News (TNS) More than 60 years ago, policymakers in Colorado embraced the idea that early intervention could prevent child abuse...
Mandatory reporting laws meant to protect children get another look
Kristin Jones | KFF Health News (TNS) More than 60 years ago, policymakers in Colorado embraced the idea that early intervention could prevent child abuse...
Are midwives and doulas the answer to keeping more Black babies alive?
This is part of a series of South Florida Sun Sentinel articles exploring maternal health care. It is 2 a.m. when Brianca Spence slips behind...