Lucas: Trump to tower over Biden at Democratic National Convention in Chicago

President Joe Biden ought to stay at Chicago’s Trump International Hotel and Tower during the Democrat Party convention in August.

That would show former President Donald Trump who is the boss.

The 92-story lavish hotel with a huge TRUMP sign on its facade looms over Chicago the way Trump looms over Biden. It also looms over the United Center, the site of the nominating convention.

The lush hotel, with its expansive views of Lake Michigan, the Chicago River and everything beyond, is only 4 miles from the Unity Center or 10 to 15 minutes away by limo.

By taking a score of rooms at $ 500 a night at the Trump hotel, Biden would show Chicago, the nation, and the world that he has no fear of Trump or of losing the presidency to Trump in November. It would be “in your face, Donald.”

And on the way out he could stiff Trump on the bill.

But it won’t happen. Trump’s hotel has been blacklisted. Not only will Joe Biden not stay there, neither will any of the convention delegates or dignitaries.

While the Democrats running the August 19-22 convention have listed eight nearby hotels for delegates that are within 5 miles of the convention site, Trump’s hotel did not make the cut even though it is closer.

In a pompous official statement, the Democrat National Committee said, “We won’t be contracting with the Trump Hotel for any of our housing needs, not because of their non-union status, but because our party stands for unity, hope and freedom — values that stand in fundamental opposition with everything the Trump name and brand represent.”

The Democrats are probably doing Trump a big favor.

At the rate the pro-Hamas, pro-Palestinian, antisemitic demonstrations across the country are growing and becoming more militant, Trump’s hotel will be out of the line of fire and be one less hotel to thrash.

The demonstrations may also help him become president again.

Make no mistake, the increasing antisemitic demonstrations planned at the Democrat convention in August are going to be a replay of the 1968 anti-Vietnam War protests that shook Chicago and the party, only worse.

The year 1968 was when thousands of angry anti-Vietnam War protesters attempted to storm the Democrat Party convention on the eve of its nomination of Vice President Hubert Humphrey for president.

Humphrey was tied to outgoing President Lyndon B. Johnson’s unpopular Vietnam War policy and was too weak to break away from it.

Chicago became a war zone. Anti-war demonstrators clashed nightly with the Chicago cops who back then — unlike now — made liberal use of clubs and tear gas to fight them off. A lot of heads were broken.

The demonstrators fought back, some by throwing bags of excrement and urine at the cops. The National Guard was called out.

Clouds of tear gas hung over the city and the fumes spread into the hotels, bars and restaurants throughout downtown Chicago. It got into peoples’ eyes, on their clothes and in their hair.

The demonstrations and the Johnson/Humphrey war policy made a shambles of the Democratic Party. Humphrey was defeated in the November election by Republican Richard Nixon who campaigned on a policy to end the war.

But Nixon did not end the war. Instead, he expanded it by sending troops into Cambodia.  And on May 4, 1970, the Ohio National Guard shot and killed four unarmed students at Kent State University at a rally opposed to the Cambodian incursion. So much for Chicago.

As bad as the demonstrations were back then, they do not compare to what is happening now. In 1968 young Americans opposed a war in which they were being drafted to fight a Vietnamese people who meant us no harm.

Nobody is drafting these college students to fight for anything, anywhere.

Yet today, they are demonstrating against a war that our ally Israel is fighting against an Iranian-sponsored terrorist group that promises to kill the college demonstrators after they kill all the Jews.

And when the American college demonstrators, under the spell of their Hamas terrorist sponsors, are finished vilifying Americans who happen to be Jewish, those terrorist sponsors will come for them, chanting “Death to America.”

Good luck in Chicago.

Peter Lucas, a veteran political reporter, covered the riots at the 1968 Democrat Party Chicago convention. Email him at: peter.lucas@boston

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