Howie Carr: Going deep inside a migrant Bidenville

As the invasion of the United States by foreign freeloaders continues unabated, it’s time for an update from one of the many illegal-alien flophouses the Democrats have set up here in Massachusetts.

Once these decaying, crime-ridden eyesores were moderately priced motels for hard-working Americans. Now Democrats have converted them into taxpayer-funded magnets for mayhem and welfare dependency – Third World style.

What follows is another dispatch from someone working at one of these Bidenvilles. Everything is in his own words, with only a few changes made to protect his identity (and job):

“The missing piece in Biden/Healey’s plan is that the (illegals) don’t understand or more importantly care how America works.

“From day one they have been handed everything. They don’t appreciate it one bit. It is expected…. They have zero respect for police, fire or hotel staff. Have said to me and others that if it weren’t for them, we would have no jobs.

“The hotel is being rapidly destroyed, as the rooms are dirty, even with twice-weekly housekeeping. The rooms’ heating systems are often maxed out, often the temperatures are found to be in the high 80’s, which causes humidity and attracts bugs.

“The hotel is making great money. Estimated $10 million on the rooms & close to $5 million on the food. Yet I would think a total remodel would cost 3X as much. Also, what is the reputational damage to the brand, as public opinion is turning fast on the hotel? Vendors, public safety and neighbors are fed up with this.

“We offer ESL (English as Second Language) classes, most do not take. Any of the jobs they have are minimum wage. No one understands that you can’t find housing in MA making minimum wage and not speaking English. Certainly they don’t have the financial knowledge to know that cable, internet, insurance, utilities, taxes are added costs in America.

“All services for them are free: medical, dental, legal. But often they don’t keep scheduled appointments. They say:

“We were sleeping.” Or, “We will come when we are ready.

“One resident yelled at me:

“How come you haven’t found me a house yet? I’m tired of living here.

“If they receive one meal they don’t like, they say they are treated poorly or have said they are treated as pigs.

“What does the Governor think is going to happen with all this?

“They can be placed in housing with the $30,000 Home Base guarantee. But when utilities, cable, etc. get turned off and the apartment gets trashed with bugs/rodents, what are the landlords going to do? It will cost them much more than $30K.

“With no financial education, won’t most (illegals) fail and become homeless, again, and become an even greater burden to taxpayers than they already are?

“The (local officials) are requesting weekly updates on calls to hotel for police/fire, to document the strain on public safety. A public records request of first-responder calls at all these places could make for a great column/story.

“Cops used to use our parking lot to do their reports. I know them. I’ve asked them about all the new cars, no insurance, no DL’s. They just shrug and say, ‘The Governor wants this.’ If no license, they just give a warning. I find beer and other alcohol in the parking lot every morning, often not empty, so obviously a lot of drinking and driving going on.

That’s it. Just one place, one formerly benign, now toxic location, destabilizing an entire community… for what?

These catastrophes are unfolding across the nation. State-run media are trying to keep a lid on everything, to protect Biden et al. from the catastrophes they’ve so gleefully created, but when your community is being destroyed, you start to notice.

You now see Roxbury residents on local TV noting the obvious — that illegals pay no taxes.

New York City police were attacked by Third World criminals on Randall’s Island last week when they arrived at that tent-city in the East River. Now New York is going to give the gang-bangers and terrorists debit cards loaded with as much as $10,000!

What could possibly go wrong?

In Chicago, four Venezuelan illegal thugs were arrested last weekend for throttling a 49-year-old American on a Chicago train. Boston ICE agents just grabbed an illegal Guatemalan in Providence accused of child molestation. He’d been released because… Democrats.

Back to the hotels that have been converted into Third World flophouses. All sorts of local groups used to meet in them. They’re being tossed out. The Republican state committee was the latest to almost get the boot – from a hotel in Dedham where they’ve scheduled a meeting for this week.

In other words, the displacement of American taxpayers for foreign vagrants at the Army-Navy game last fall in Foxboro was just a preview of the future in Biden’s America.

As public motels are converted into Third World welfare housing, the cities and towns can no longer collect lodging taxes. In the city of Taunton, the only hotel has been converted into a crime-welfare magnet. City officials say they’re going to be out $182,000 in room taxes just from that one hotel this year.

At the same time, the hotel’s “migrants” call 911 much more often than the paying American visitors used to. The illegals’ offspring are dumped into the public schools, draining funds no longer available to educate the children of US citizens who built the schools and who actually work for a living, unlike everybody at the “hotel.”

I spoke to Kelly Dooner, a member of the Taunton City Council, about the unfolding disaster in Taunton and everywhere else.

“We don’t have the resources,” she said. “I get calls all the time now, children are getting home late, school buses aren’t running on time anymore….”

Dooner is running for the state Senate as a Republican.

The current hack, Sen. Marc Pacheco, is 71. He has a bad toupee and an even more pathetic record. Sen. Toupee is retiring after 34 lackluster years at the public trough.

Pacheco relished calling himself the “dean” of the Senate but somehow he couldn’t convince his fellow Democrat hacks not to dump at least two of these flophouses into his district, in the formerly stable middle-class communities of Taunton and Raynham.

“We’re fining the hotel $1,000 a day,” Dooner told me, “but I don’t think anything has been paid.”

Nobody pays for nothing. It should be the new motto of the Commonwealth. It’s perfectly accurate, at least if you’re an illegal alien.

If you’re a US citizen from Massachusetts, a different motto would seem more appropriate.

“I’m outta here!”

(Order one of Howie’s new tee shirts, “Cheaper to Deport than $upport!” at

The Holiday Inn that is closed to house immigrants in Marlboro. (Staff Photo By Stuart Cahill/Boston Herald)

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