Patriots coach Bill Belichick sends message to Maine residents after mass shooting
FOXBORO — Patriots coach Bill Belichick opened his Friday morning press conference with a message for Maine residents in the wake of Wednesday’s mass shooting in Lewiston that left 18 dead and 13 others injured.
“(I’ll) just start by sending our – from the team, players have talked about this, captains yesterday, too – sending our thoughts and prayers to the people in Maine. It’s obviously a tragic situation,” Belichick said. “They’re great fans of ours, great friends up there and Maine is a great place. I feel bad for the pain and situation that they’re going through.
Bill Belichick opens with a statement sending thoughts and prayers to the people in Maine after the mass shooting. He mentions the #Patriots fans up there, and his personal connections to the area.
“We’re thinking about you down here with the #Patriots.” pic.twitter.com/Hh7ZH0V7qU
— Andrew Callahan (@_AndrewCallahan) October 27, 2023
“You know, Lewiston and Bowden, (I have) a lot of connections and a lot of my friends went there. I know the area pretty well, it’s very sad and difficult. So, we’re thinking about you down here at the Patriots.”
A murder warrant is currently out for the arrest of Robert Card, a 40-year-old resident of Bowdoin, Maine. Law enforcement opened a massive search for Card on Wednesday evening that continued into Friday. The shooting marked the worst mass killing in Maine state history.
Asked how conversations about the shooting began inside the team facility, whether Belichick initiated them or players did, Belichick declined to offer specifics.
“I don’t know, both. It could be any community. We all know that,” he said. “The fact that it’s our fans, our area, i’s kind of like the Connecticut situation a few years back. Not the same, but it’s just sad, tragic. And sounds like it’s not over yet.”
The Patriots are currently preparing for a road game Sunday at Miami. Their next home kickoff is scheduled for Sunday, Nov. 5, against Washington.